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他有三副圆规。He has two pairs of compasses.

请给我买一副圆规好吗?Will you get me a pair of compasses?

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如果你有一副圆规,就很容易画一个圆。Will you get me a pair of compasses?

我在这家商店买了一副圆规。I bought a pair of compasses in the shop.

他能不用圆规画一个非常标准的圆。He can draw a good circle without compasses.

现在我们开始用圆规画一个圆。Now we begin to draw a circle with compasses.

用圆规画圆必须要有圆心。Use your compasses to draw a circle to circle.

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学生用圆规画图。The student described a circle with a pare of compasses.

就连左右绕圈子,也彷佛用圆规所画出来的那么的浑圆而标准。Left and right circling was as round as the compasses did.

大部份的人都认为,磁针会指向北方是理所当然的。Most of us take it for granted that compasses point north.

我正在校准无线电测向仪或校正指南针。I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses.

老师要求学生们用圆规画圆。The teacher asked his students to use their compasses to draw circles.

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另外,这些新型罗盘将小巧玲珑并且能耗极低。What's more, these compasses would be small and would consume very little energy.

暗示网易违规与暴雪成立合资公司。Allusive Netease violates compasses and blizzard to establish joint-stock company.

现在用你们的罗盘去测量一下那个背斜两翼的产状。Now, use your compasses to measure the attitude of the two limbs of the anticline.

指南针和路标——在这一领域,似乎不存在进行彻底再创造的空间了。compasses and road signs – there may seem to be little room for radical re-invention.

作为一项运动,滑雪分为高山滑雪、越野滑雪和越野滑雪赛。As a sport, skiing compasses downhill skiing, skiing touring, and cross-country ski racing.

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二要加大对企业违规行为的处罚力度。The 2 condemnatory strength that should increase pair of enterprises to violate compasses act.

研究人员已经发现迁徙性动物可以借助各种各样的体内罗盘来校正方向。Researchers have found that migrating animals use a variety of inner compasses to help them navigate.

磁强传感器设备被用作3D罗盘,它们可以收集金属结构信息。Instruments called magnetometers act as 3D compasses. They gather information about metallic structures.