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网格工作流中角色分配的Norm方法。Norm approach for role assignation in grid workflow.

它包括这一期间内除业主投资和派给业主款以外权益的一切变动。It includes all change except investing of owner and assignation to owners.

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我的骗局在一个阳光明媚的早晨被揭穿了,当时我们漂亮的编辑从伦敦时装周回来。My bluff was called one sunny morning when our beauty editor swept in from a London fashion week assignation.

建立的仿真系统实现安了对铁水物流分配和铁路布局的合理性的研究。Rationality of iron melt materials handing assignation and railroads layout can be evaluated by the simulation system.

测试了该晶体的红外光谱和拉曼光谱,讨论了晶体的振动归属。The spectra of Infrared and Raman spectrum were measured at room temperature, and the assignation of the vibrations was discussed.

他说,曾经发现一名警察跟花园里的女人有不轨行为,但这件事最终被隐瞒下来没有揭发。He says that a police officer was caught inside the garden in an improper assignation with a woman, but that the incident was hushed up.

粗枝大叶的领土划分——英国当局经过短短几周的考察后划分的——可能也是一个难以克服的巨大障碍。The crude assignation of territory, after just a few weeks of study by British officials, may also have been too great a handicap to overcome.

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企业财务权利包括财务收益权与财务控制权,对企业财务权利分配的一套制度安排称为财务治理。It includes financial profitable rights and financial controlling rights, the set of systematic arrangement of its assignation called financial governance.

本文旨在探讨一种多个关键字表达式的权限设置及组合方式,以实现灵活多样的数据库排序效果。The intention of this paper is to discuss a priority assignation and combination method of many keyword expressions, in order to implement flexible and multiple database sorting.

对滤波后的条纹图进一步采取二值化、骨架线提取、条纹级数标定、插值一系列操作,得到物体的三维相位信息。After denoising, a series of operations, binarization, skeleton extraction, fringe order assignation and interpolation, were implemented and the three-dimension phase map was obtained.

同时存在多个IP地址映射成同一MAC地址的问题,需要运营商对IP组播地址的分配做以限制,不利于城域以太网中IP组播业务的开展。In addition, in order to solve the problem of multiple IP multicast address mapped in one MAC multicast address, multicast service providers must limit the assignation of IP multicast address.