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你的道路是巴克提的道路。Yours is the path of bhakti.

巴克提有两个阶段。There are two stages of bhakti.

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首先是要获得巴克提。First of all one acquires bhakti.

人也可以通过巴克提来认识神。One can realize God through bhakti too.

人类生命的目的是得到巴克提。The aim of human life is to attain bhakti.

头脑要通过巴克提来净化。The mind is to be purified through bhakti.

感恩之心是奉爱种子生长的心灵沃土。Grateful heart is the heart in which seed of bhakti will grow.

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中世纪的巴克提诗人和“圣人”遍布了印度。The poets and "saints" of medieval bhakti appeared throughout India.

但是,巴克提的经文承认,不同生命所展现出的力量是不同的。The Incarnation of God is accepted by those who follow the path of bhakti.

瑜伽有不同的分支,例如奉爱瑜伽、业瑜伽等。There are different branches of Yoga, such as Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc.

由于巴克提的诗人可以使用任何语言,他们可以来自任何阶层。Because bhakti poets could use any language, they might come from any class.

这本质上是广泛地追随柴坦尼亚的一场虔信运动。This is essentially a bhakti movement, broadly following the precedents of Caitanya.

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仿中世纪的巴克提诗人也成了引发现代独立运动的源头。The bhakti of the medieval poets was thus enlisted in the cause of modern independence.

巴克提是对神诚实的信仰,像妻子对丈夫忠诚一样。Bhakti is single-minded devotion to God, like the devotion a wife feels for her husband.

该巴克蒂瑜珈的动机主要是爱情的力量,认为上帝是爱的体现。The Bhakti Yogi is motivated chiefly by the power of love and sees God as the embodiment of love.

但是,巴克提的经文承认,不同生命所展现出的力量是不同的。But the Bhakti scriptures admit that the manifestations of Power are different in different beings.

但是,那些跟随虔信道路的人会寻求神的化身,享受巴克提的甜蜜。But those who follow the path of devotion seek an Incarnation of God, to enjoy the sweetness of bhakti.

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他们给予了成长中的外氏那瓦祭礼一个哲学架构,也影响着一些湿婆派别。They gave the growing Vaishnava bhakti cults a philosophical framework that also influenced some Saivite schools.

最早的巴克提文献是来自马哈拉施特拉邦,以一种生动的印度——雅利安语言来表达,在穆斯林占据该地区之前就已经编写好。The earliest bhakti literature in a living Indo-Aryan language is from Maharashtra and was composed before Muslims occupied the area.

在穆斯林入侵次大陆之前,南印度新形式的巴克提在撒布,是为德拉威语的南部所不及。Before the time the Muslims invaded the subcontinent, the new forms of South Indian bhakti were spreading beyond the bounds of the Dravidian south.