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我不晓得。I dunno.

哈,我也不知道。Hah, I dunno.

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我不知道为什么,它是造型的一部分。I dunno. It's part of the look.

我不知道,只是我的网友而已。I dunno. Just a dotcomrade of mine.

不知道。我觉得他们应该说中文。I dunno. I think they speak Mandarin.

我可说不好,这件事有些地方还是挺好玩的。I dunno. It was kind of fun, at times.

我不晓得。可能我以前没在听。I dunno. Maybe I wasnt listening before.

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我不知道,感觉,很不一样。I dunno man, just feels like, well alot different.

我也不懂,或许我们真的应该开始保护人类了。And i dunno maybe start actually protecting people.

我不知道它们的最初版本是什么样的。I dunno what they're like in the original versions.

我昨晚睡着了,对不起,我不会看华语…I fall asleep last night. Sorry ya, i dunno read chinese.

不知道,不过有个伙伴来改变一下,也挺好的。I dunno. Be nice to have some comp'ny down here for a change.

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不知道。我是想问,伦敦除了炸鱼和薯条还有什麽?Dunno. I was asking what London had to offer apart from fish and chips.

我不知道那是啥意思,不过我想这种看法让我在这里住的轻松多了。I dunno what the hell that means, but I guess it made my stay here easier?

不知道。对于站上。我是想问,伦敦除了炸鱼和薯条还有什么?Dunno. I was want to knowing what London had to offer at gulf from fish and chips.

可能这个测试是想看我在遭受一定量辐射后可以活多久,我不清楚。Maybe the test was to see how long I'd live after exposed to a set amount of radiation, I dunno.

因为中国有力量,所以中国人在韩国颇受尊重。我不知道那是啥意思。Chinese are respected here in Korea because China, as a country, is "powerful". I dunno what the hell that means.

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在我心中永远有著很多感恩,但这一夜,我特别想令我意识到谢谢生存著的美好的你。Thankfulness for meeting you in my life! Thanks for your encouragement when i encounter weakness and sadness, though u dunno.

“我不知道,那个白寡妇把我催眠了,”他喘着粗气,随后向脸上撒了些水,接着我们赶往演出地点。"i dunno. that white widow hypnotized me, " he wheezed. then he splashed some water on his face and we mozied over to the start of the show.

大陆论坛上有关于韩国人欺负中国学生和工人的新闻,说中国人不讲卫生,又穷又呆,所以我也不知道。There are stories on mainland Chinese BBS about Koreans bullying Chinese students and workers and saying that China is dirty, poor and backward so I dunno.