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这是一场刻薄的长篇大论,并且变得异常丑陋。This is a vitriolic tirade, and it gets ugly.

可以预见,两党的狂热信徒们第一反应都是报之以刻薄之词。The initial response from zealots on both sides was predictably vitriolic.

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从深思熟虑的前任将军到刻薄的博客,人人都会提到它。It's wielded by everyone from thoughtful ex-generals to vitriolic bloggers.

相比之下,公众对麦道夫夫人的反应已近白热化并且尖酸刻薄。By contrast, the public reaction to Mrs. Madoff has been white hot and vitriolic.

国内的国营媒体对于Weinstein的评论发表了一篇尖酸刻薄的评论。State-run media published vitriolic remarks about Weinstein from a slew of filmmakers.

硫酸厂排放的污水中通常含有硫酸杂质。Vitriolic impurity is contained normally in the sewage that vitriolic factory discharges.

请根据实验计算该污水中硫酸的溶质质量分数。Calculate according to the experiment please the vitriolic solute quality mark in this sewage.

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它辛辣尖刻的“网络中立”辩论正是宽带访问缺乏竞争…Its vitriolic net -neutrality debate is a reflection of the lack of competition in broadband access.

最近莫科斯传来的言论,令奥巴马“重启”俄美关系的努力看起来有些不切实际。U.S. President Barack Obama’s “reset” with Russia is looking flimsy in the wake of vitriolic rhetoric from Moscow.

这种愤懑表达得较为隐秘,通常还混杂着一种升华的羞愧,但这种情绪也同样的尖酸刻薄。Its expression is more furtive and it's often mixed with a kind of sublimated shame, but it can be every bit as vitriolic.

集会人群随后视图向克林姆宫进军,高喊着令人刺耳的口号,比如说“打倒普京狗”。This group then attempted to march toward the Kremlin, shouting far more vitriolic slogans, like "Death to that dog Putin."

高飞上班时突然胃痛,欧阳细心照顾,王苹苹也一改往日的尖酸刻薄对高飞表示出罕有的关心。Ouyang soar suddenly stomachache at work, take care, wang apple also should allow vitriolic concern for goofy showing a rare.

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韩国反对中国设立的防空识别区,但是它的反对并没有日本和美国发布的声明那么刻薄。South Korea had objected to China's ADIZ but its opposition was not as vitriolic as the statements issued by Japan and the US.

你在互联网上搜索一下,搜索我的名字,你就可以看到关于默多克先生诸多栩栩如生、尖酸刻薄的批判。A cursory search of the internet will throw up some rather vigorous and vitriolic criticism of this curious character called Rupert Murdoch.

我们这一代人将不能不为坏人的恶语劣行,同时也为好人令人吃惊的沉默感到悔恨。We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of good people.

一位观众对这个节目提出投诉,广播电视标准委员会于是成立了一个小组对此进行调查,并谴责了夏巴赫“恶意和刻薄的”评论。" The broadcast council, which set up a panel to investigate a viewer's complaint about the broadcast, condemned Schambach's "hostile and vitriolic" comments.

但是自从20年前提出计划时,它就成为政府与当地土著居民和绿色环保组织之间激烈争论的课题。But since its proposal 20 years ago, it has been the subject of a vitriolic dispute with the government on one side and indigenous people and green groups on the other.

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两人之间的那种刻薄冷漠的感情很难说是一种浪漫,但它展现了两人关系在即将滑向低谷之前所能展现出最美好的一面。Onscreen Chemistry? The pair share a vitriolic relationship which is hardly romantic, but it showcases some of their finest work as they head to some dark places as a couple.

“参政涉及到的其中一件事便是人们会冲着你大喊大叫,”奥巴马在这档辛辣的聚众节目中对于反对其医疗改革者如此说明。"One of the things you sign up for in politics is that folks yell at you, " Obama said on the Late Show of vitriolic rallies around the US attacking his plans for healthcare reform.

她决定解雇一些不合格的教员并且关闭一些质量差的学校,却招致了尖酸刻薄的批评。Her decisions to fire some under-performers and close some bad schools have attracted vitriolic criticism. But fair-minded observers note that there have been some impressive turn-arounds.