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您和谁比较接近?Who did you approach?

请求再试做一个穿云。Make a short approach.

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这种做法并不理想。The approach is not ideal.

我们该如何面对摇滚乐?So how do we approach rock?

我们将要采用什么方法?What approach will we take?

这就是人性的方法。It's the humanistic approach.

那是很乐观的行动。That’s an optimistic approach.

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新停车临检方法。The new traffic stop approach.

土耳其的四管齐下的方法Turkey's four-pronged approach

您应当使用哪种方法?Which approach should you use?

高墙遮断,难以接近。High walls forbid all approach.

啥子是过程模式?What is the "process approach"?

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喜生活样式,不做方法功。Xi life style, do not approach.

丹妮丝望着她们渐渐逼近。Denise watches as they approach.

不要靠近黑洞洞的巷子。Do not approach in a dark alley.

因此,采用更谦逊的做法。So adopt a more humble approach.

想要演讲还是基于案例的教学方案?A lecture or case-based approach?

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职责驱动的方法。A responsibility-driven approach.

但你的方法就节约时间吗?But does your approach save time?

在黎明逼近之时离我而去。Desert me at Thy dawn's approach.