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到最后,却是越来越不入流的局面。In the end, it is less and less inflow.

并初步分析了其原因是由于输入云带的影响。And the reason is the inflow cloud zone.

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采用针式节流阀门,控制进水量。It adopt pin style throttle to control inflow.

入流和出流都是重连所必需的。Both of the inflow and the outflow were necessary for the reconnection.

我选择化为甘泉流入麦田。I choose change into the fresh-tasting spring water inflow wheat field.

主要支配的影响是干冷气团之流入。The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold, dry, air mass.

入口边界采用特征入流边界条件,并在出口边界作压力修正。The Characteristic Inflow Boundary Conditions are used at the inflow boundary.

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这是由于出生人数比死亡人数多28100人,以及到港人数较离港人数多167700人。This was due to 28100 more births than deaths and a net inflow of 167700 persons.

分析了河口淡水对盐度乃至生物产生的影响。The impact of estuarine freshwater inflow on the salinity and organism was analyzed.

奥运会期间北京会封城吗?Will Beijing limit inflow and outflow of people during the Olympic Games this summer?

非法出版物流人高校图书馆尚未引起人们的关注。The inflow of illicit publication into libraries in universities is not taken seriously.

进行了生物滤池系统在低温下对官厅水库入库水生物预处理可行性研究。A feasibility study was conducted for treating Guanting Reservoir inflow by using bio-filters.

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山下白羊河水,水质清澈、水量稳定,流入库区。Yamashita Bothriochloa water, water clarity, water stability, the inflow in the reservoir area.

针对以下两种情况研究万安水库的蓄水风险和发电风险。Two kinds of method describing the stochastic character of reservoir inflow have been discussed.

空客截止5月31日共获得32架飞机的订单,取消21份,净流入额为11份新订单。Airbus through May 31 had 32 gross orders and 21 cancellations, for a net inflow of 11 new orders.

美国和全球债券基金则分别连续62周和47周实现资金流入.U.S. and global bond funds extended their current inflow streaks to 62 and 47 weeks, respectively.

鲍威尔湖补水高峰在春季中后期,此时洛基山脉的冬季积雪正在消融。The peak inflow to Lake Powell occurs in mid- to late spring as the winter snow in the Rockies melts.

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快乐从我体内奔腾而出,流入我的工作,所以快乐对我是流出而非流入。Happiness flowsoutward from me and into the work I do, so I experience it as an outflow, notan inflow.

第四章主要阐述了各流入地对百济遗民的安置政策。Chapter IV focuses primarily on the inflow of Baekje drifting people against the resettlement policies.

然后利用地下水动力学法、地下水径流模数法对隧道开挖涌水量进行了预测。Then water inflow in tunnel is forecasted using groundwater dynamics and groundwater modulus of runoff.