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丨带有属性的宠物?Vanity Pets with Stats?

并非因为胜利,而是因为虚荣心。Not victory, but vanity.

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她出于虚荣心而那样做。She did that out of vanity.

她挖苦的语言刺伤了他的虚荣心。Her sarcasm wounded his vanity.

虚空的虚空。万事俱是虚空。Vanity of vanity. All is vanity.

不错,虚荣的确是个弱点。Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed.

他的虚荣是粗野和欺骗的。His vanity is boorish and fraudulent.

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这也是虚空,也是大患。This also is vanity and a great evil.

我们的虚荣心是最坏的奉承者。Our own vanity is the worst flatterer.

泰姬陵——爱之所致,还是虚荣之果?。Taj—Fruit of Love or Result of Vanity?

永远不要带着面具去满足你的虚荣心。Never put on false masks to gratify vanity.

这也是虚空,也是捕风。This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.

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这也是虚空,也是捕风。英语文摘。This is also vanity and vexation of spirit.

人若只为名利做事,生之何意!One is unvaluable if he only works for vanity.

名、利和权势在死亡面前都是空幻的。Fame, power, wealth-all is vanity before death.

贪慕虚荣的女子会让人瞧不起。Mu vanity greed people will look down on women.

他们坦率的谈话伤害了他的虚荣心。His vanity was hurt by their talking so frankly.

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我的诗人的虚荣心,在你的容光中羞死。My poet's vanity dies in shame before thy sight.

人之所以不知足,就是有着太多的虚荣心。People are not satisfied with toom h, is vanity.

我又转念,见日光之下有一件虚空的事。Then I returned, and I saw vanity under the sun.