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朋油虑时分的匪贼。Friends are thieves of time.

朋友是时间的浪费者。Friends are thieves of times.

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你们快来抓贼啊!Come out to catch the thieves.

窃贼撬窃了仓库。Thieves burgled the warehouse.

强盗分赃。The thieves divvied up the loot.

位低的“盗贼”成了他们的爪牙。Petty thieves were their minions.

保险箱能有效制止盗贼。Safes can certainly deter thieves.

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小偷们分赃。The thieves divvied up the spoils.

就是被那几个淫贼打伤的。It's hurt by the perverted thieves.

决不能让这些盗贼逍遥法外。The thieves must not go unpunished.

我们手足情深亲密无间。We are brothers as thick as thieves.

还没有人来抓这些小偷吗?。Hasn't anyone caught the thieves yet?

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他发现自己陷入了贼窝。He found himself in a den of thieves.

梁上君子经常光顾这些商店。Some thieves often come to this shop.

小偷开着一辆偷来的汽车逃走了。The thieves got away in a stolen car.

狗吠的人并非都是小偷。All are not thieves that dogs bark at.

不,实际上叫作勒索。诱捕是**对付贼的手段。Entrapment is what cops do to thieves.

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瞧!警方在抓贼呢。Look! The police are catching thieves.

小偷窃走了珠宝。The thieves made away with the jewels.

那两个贼笨拙地把门打开。The two thieves fumbled the door open.