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酿酒酵母被青霉菌固定。Saccharomyces cerevisiae was immobilized by Penicillium.

生成霉菌毒素的霉菌都属于青酶和曲霉。All toxigenic moulds belonged to Penicillium and Aspergillus.

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皮肤多处脓肿的脓液真菌培养为马尔尼菲青霉。Penicillium marneffei was found in the skin multiabscesses by fugal culture.

从海边海螺、贝壳及其附着物的微生物中筛选出产壳聚糖酶的青霉菌。A marine Penicillium sp. PCS-7 was isolated from whelk and shell by the seaside.

扩展青霉是苹果中主要的展青霉素产生菌。Penicillium expansum was reported as the major patulin-producing fungus in apple.

对人类有利的子囊菌包括块菌,酵母和产青霉素菌。Ascomycetes of interest to humans include truffles yeasts and Penicillium species.

进一步的测试表明,这种霉菌,即青霉菌,杀灭了大部分的细菌。Further testing revealed that the mold, Penicillium , killed most varieties of bacteria.

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研究了微生物絮凝剂产生菌HHE-P7在酱油废水中产生微生物絮凝剂的絮凝特性。The production of bioflocculant by Penicillium sp. HHE-P7 in sauce wastewater was studied.

在里面1929,亚历山大佛兰德人发现了模子毛丛的抗菌剂质量。In 1929, Alexander Fleming discovered the anti-bacterial qualities of the mold Penicillium.

紫外照射对鲜切南瓜中的青霉没有显著的抑制作用。Ultraviolet radiation on fresh pumpkin cutting of penicillium no significant inhibitory effect.

对非自然环境中青霉菌菌株的培养选育进行了实验研究。This paper presents conclusions of the breeding of penicillium sp in the non natural environment.

罗克福尔青霉菌是在位于洛克福村的康巴卢山洞穴土壤中发现的。Penicillium roqueforti is found in the soil of the caves of Mont Combalou in Roquefort-sur-Soulzon.

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麦考酚酸是一种普通的青霉菌代谢物,于二十世纪三十年代首次报道,是一种可能的真菌毒素。Mycophenolic acid is a common Penicillium metabolite first reported in the 1930s as a possible mycotoxin.

在生产过程中,在最后一步干酪生产工艺前向凝块中添加一些浓味青霉的孢子。In this case Penicillium roqueforti spores are added to the curds just before the final cheese processing.

他成功的将盘尼西林从特异青霉素霉菌中提取了出来,但无法对混合物进行提纯。He successfully isolated the chemical from the mould Penicillium notatum, but could not purify the compound.

由一些种类的曲霉菌和青霉菌共同产生,与食物的腐败变质密切相关。It is co-produced by the same species of Aspergillus and Penicillium that are associated with food spoilage.

结论沙门柏干酪青霉2221可手性转化右旋磷霉素为左旋磷霉素。Conclusion Dextral-fosfomycin can be chiral biotransformed to levo-fosfomycin by Penicillium camemberti 2221.

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通过对产黄青霉基因组DNA进行PCR扩增得到几丁质合成酶基因的同源片段。DNA fragments homologous to chitin synthase were amplified from the genomic DNA of Penicillium chrysognum by PCR.

美伐他汀于1976年首次报道,是一种由若干种青霉菌属和红曲菌属真菌产生的双萜。Mevastatin is a diterpene produced by several species of the genera Penicillium and Monascus first reported in 1976.

这是一种由青霉真菌产生的天然化合物,对细菌具有毒性,但可以安全地用于人类。This natural compound, produced by the Penicillium fungus, was found to be toxic to bacteria, but safe for use in humans.