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喂,我看到有护航的飞机。Yuke Squadron Hey, I see escort fighters.

美国空军中队以这艘航空母舰为基地。The U.S. squadron was based on the carrier.

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明白。保持目前航向。Yuke Squadron Roger. Maintain current heading.

敌人的反击对我们来说不成问题。Yuke Squadron We can handle the enemy counterattack.

在地面上和他们作战的话就拿手多了。Yuke Squadron They're easier to deal with on the ground.

我们正派出一个中队的阴影战斗机下去支援。We're sending down a squadron of Shadow Fighters to assist.

你难道想让我钻进敌人的火力之中吗?Yuke Squadron You want me to dive into all that enemy fire?

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我也得到一个接触中队长的机会。I also got a chance to rub shoulders with a Squadron Leader.

一七五九年,法国一队五艘快速军舰侵犯爱尔兰。In 1759, a French squadron of five frigates invaded Ireland.

一队喷气式战斗机编队从头顶上方飞过,公众仰首观看。The crowd looked up as a squadron of jet-fighters flew past.

他除了那份极微薄的骑兵队队长的半薪之外,什么都没有。He had nothing save his meagre half-pay as chief of squadron.

每支中队下辖三支由4架战斗机组成的小队。Each squadron consists of three flights of four fighters each.

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麻三带人攻击了李双枪的二中队。Hemp discussed. these people attacked LiShuang gun two squadron.

侠盗中队被派遣到总部护卫舰“家园一号”上。The squadron was assigned to the Headquarters Frigate, Home One.

空中的敌机正在瓦解我们的奇袭行动!Yuke Squadron The airborne enemies are disrupting our operations!

他们是精锐的飞行中队,被选中保护着大炮。They were the elite flight squadron , chosen to protect the cannon.

这是哈坦加商业海港有名的哈坦加空中队。This is Khatanga Commercial Sea Port, the famous Khatanga squadron.

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第33飞行中队将要负责使用进入空军服役KC30B型飞机。No. 33 Squadron will operate the KC30B aircraft in Air Force service.

一个粗壮的中队的8-10维京人能胜任这份工作,你为。One stout squadron of 8-10 Vikings can do this job admirably for you.

集中你们的火力向掉队的那个攻击。Enemy Squadron Concentrate your attack on the one straggling aircraft.