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她是个天生的表演者。She’s a natural entertainer.

他是大众喜爱的电视演员。He's a popular television entertainer.

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如果你真想做个艺人的话,if you really want to be an entertainer

这就是霍恩作为一个艺人的心声。That was the voice of Horne the entertainer.

他拥有独树一帜的特质,歌、舞、演三栖,演艺能力俱佳。He is a true entertainer who can dance, sing and act.

今天的美国运动员是如此满足于当一名表演艺人。Today's US athlete is thus content to be an entertainer.

他是第一位了不起的电视艺人。Above all, he was the first great televisual entertainer.

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坐在一个街头卖艺的狗,2009年10月20日在哈瓦那。The dog of a street entertainer sits in Havana October 20 2009.

他是一位风度翩翩的艺人而我希望人们能这样看他。He's a personable entertainer and I hope people see that in him.

鲍伯霍普获得的荣誉比任何一位艺人都多。Bob Hope had more feathers in his cap than any other entertainer.

他在夜总会表演名人模仿秀。He is an entertainer who impersonates celebrities at night clubs.

不完全是,我更象是个皇家娱乐人员。Not quite, I'm more like a royal entertainer of the Pharaonic scions.

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米高是一名具备天资,干劲十足,勤奋工作的艺人。Michael was an extremely talented, high-energy, hard working entertainer.

马化腾,是腾讯控股有限公司董事长兼首席执行官,难道他就是中国最大的娱乐领头羊?Pony Ma, chairman and CEO of Tencent Holdings Ltd. China’s biggest entertainer?

雪儿是一位亚美尼亚籍美国人,她是兼具演员、歌手、曲作家、作家和演艺人员。Cher is an Armenian-American actress, singer, songwriter, author and entertainer.

这名娱乐圈的知名人士将在接下来的“赚钱名人榜”广告牌中蝉联榜首。The entertainer will top the charts in the upcoming "Money Makers Issue" from Billboard.

他既是歌手,也是词曲作者、唱片制作人、演员、娱乐人物和慈善家。He is an singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, actor, entertainer and philanthropist.

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可能专业演员西迪克和摇滚乐传奇人物库克-贝莉也上演星级的五重奏。Maybe Cedric The Entertainer and rock music legend Chuck Berry will make it a starry quintet.

他母亲哈那是一位出色的喜剧演员,嗓音甜美动人。Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice.

我悲伤不已”主播如是写到,这条短信仅仅是洪流般的关于这位艺人的短信中的一条。I feel so sad, " the twitterer wrote, his message just one in a torrent about the entertainer.