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我们目前面临的主要问题是不公平。The major problem we are facing today is inequity.

我想尽我所能矫正这种不公正。I wanted to do what I could to rectify the inequity.

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贫穷与不公造成抗菌药物耐药性的主要因素。Poverty and inequity are major drivers of antimicrobial resistance.

大约一周后,我对父亲抱怨这件事有多么不公平。After about a week, I complained to my father about the inequity of the situation.

不同地区考生之间、文理科考生之间亦存在着结果不公平。And inequity appears among students from different areas and between liberal arts and sciences.

绩效合同可激励肯尼亚水利部工作人员在工作过程中处理性别差异问题。Performance-based contracts provide incentives for Water Ministry staff to address gender inequity in their work.

现阶段,由于我国教育制度的体制性缺陷,导致高等教育不公现象的出现。At present stage, the systematic defects of the education system lead to the phenomena of inequity in higher education.

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不错--人类的不平等有史以来一直存在--但是那些能够化繁为简的新工具--却是最近才出现的。Yes, inequity has been with us forever, but the new tools we have to cut through complexity have not been with us forever.

不平等几乎是所有发展过程的一部分,但过多的不平等会带来不稳定、政治和社会动乱。Inequity is probably part of any development process but too much inequity generates instability, political and social upheaval.

另外,“非生态”消费拉大了贫富差距,加剧了人类之间的不平等。Moreover, the non-ecological consumption has enlarged the gap between rich and poor, intensified the inequity between the humanity.

陈冯富珍博士今天对该份报告表示欢迎并向委员会祝贺,她说,“卫生不公平实际上是生死攸关的问题。"Health inequity really is a matter of life and death," said Dr Chan today while welcoming the Report and congratulating the Commission.

正如大量书籍中关于信贷紧缩所描述的那样,在经济崩溃之前经济就表现出了扭曲行为,还产生了嫉妒和不公正。As numerous books on the credit crunch have shown, they are what distorted behaviour before the crash, as well as creating envy and inequity.

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最终,我们使用我们最好的判断去决定我们的资助能在何处最大限度地实现减少全世界的卫生不平等。In the end, we use our best judgement to determine where our funding can achieve the greatest reductions in health inequity around the world.

通过对泰尔指数进行分解,山东三大区域之间、区域内卫生资源配置存在不公平性。By analyzing the Theil index, we find that there exists inequity in the allocation of health resources in the three regions and within the region.

和以往一样,不公平在于那些巨大的基础建设工程费用是由现有客户支付的,而受益人却是将来的客户。As always, the inequity is that the huge infrastructure projects needed are paid for by existing customers, while future customers reap the benefits.

公平包括代内公平和代际公平,公平的缺失会导致福利的损失。Equity is the soul of social security, including intra-generational equity and inter-generational equity, inequity will lead to loss of welfare losses.

目前独立学院存在法律地位不明确、产权界定不科学、所有权和经营权未真正分离、产权最终归属不明确等问题。There are some problems in Independent Colleges. The juristic status of Independent Colleges is ambiguous. The dividing of property rights is inequity.

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高等教育区域差距的存在及不断扩大既是影响我国高等教育公平实现的重要因素,也是我国高等教育不公平的现实表现。The growing regional differences are not only an important factor in achieving educational equity, but also a reflection on inequity of higher education.

尽管这不公义的部分原因是因此而起,仍有相当程度的土著人民维持著他们乡野的文化、智慧与知识。Yet despite this inequity and partially because of it, a larger degree of the indigenous peoples retained their campestral culture, wisdom and knowledge.

这真的是投票过程的不公正和不公平还仅仅是自1975年以来球迷选择先发自然发展的结果呢?Is this really an inequity or injustice in the voting procedure or merely an outgrowth of the fans selecting the starters, which has taken place since 1975?