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玛丽·博林馆长说。That, says curator Mary Bolling.

她是意中艺术工作室的项目策展人。She is offiCina's project curator.

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纪念馆的馆长傅其伦先生。Curator of the Shen Zengzhi Museum.

计算的前2000年”亚历Bochannek是在博物馆馆长。Alex Bochannek is a curator at the museum.

馆长把新获得的绘画作品登记入册。A curator accessioning newly acquired paintings.

市场、策展与批评,你究竟选择谁?Which would you choice? Market, curator or critics?

为什么会邀请南条史生为展览策展人?Why inviting Fumio Nanjo as the curator for the exhibit?

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济助令规定的临时管理人则由诉讼双方共同指定。The curator was to be jointly appointed by the two parties.

由青年批评家孙冬冬担任展览指导。The youth critic Sun Dongdong will be the exhibition curator.

当地博物馆的馆长说“这就像一个武士的时代的繁盛。“It’s like a samurai boom,” says a curator at the local museum.

丽塔·史黛西是布鲁克菲尔德动物园中七大洋展馆的馆长。Rita Stacy is curator of the Seven Seas exhibit at Brookfield Zoo.

在三湾改编纪念馆,馆长尹兴华给我们讲述了一个故事Xinghua Yin Curator of Sanwan Reorganizing Museum told us a story.

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馆长双手支地,跪在那里,僵直着,慢慢的把头扭向说话的人。On his hands and knees, the curator froze, turning his head slowly.

林荫庭是一个加拿大籍的视觉艺术家,策划人和教育工作者。Ken Lum is a Vancouver-based visual artist, curator and art educator.

康耐先生,我是爱伦·兰芝,凭自己的实力成为馆长、艺术家。Mr. Conner, I'm Alan Lange, the curator and an artist in my own right.

彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.

目前已经有一名前罗浮宫主管人员,预计在埃及发表的演说被迫取消。Already a lecture in Egypt by a former Louvre curator has been canceled.

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格伦·迪尼埃是此地康涅狄格州米斯蒂克的捕鲸博物馆馆长。Cordinier is curator of the Whaling Museum here in Mystic , Connecticut.

“监护官”岗哨无人机的最大控制范围,失准范围和跟踪速度得到提升。Boosted the curator sentry drone max range falloff and tracking improved.

坂本龙马纪念馆馆长森健志郎一针见血地指出。Sakamoto Ryoma Museum Curator Shiro Mori pointed out sharply that health.