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从男子气概来说,乍一看长得不错。Ruggedly good-looking in a manly-man sort of way.

设备设计简单,易于操作和维护。Equipment is ruggedly constructed and easy to operate and maintain.

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海盗的粗犷设计挂锁2个USB闪存盘功能的256位硬件加密。The ruggedly designed Corsair Padlock 2 USB Flash Drive features 256-bit hardware encryption.

据了解,力帆620媒体活动在崎岖盘旋的四面山举行。It is known that the Lifan 620 media activities are circling ruggedly four sides mountain hold.

JM系列泵为混流式液下泵,为加强型设计,适用于在多种应用场合常年无故障运行。JM mixed flow pumps are ruggedly designed for years of trouble free operation in a wide variety of applications.

正如他在电影中的形象一样,真人版的加斯通形象粗犷而英俊,他拥有发达的肌肉,还有帅气的裂下巴。As in the film, in the portrait he possesses an extremely athletic build and a cleft chin as part of his ruggedly handsome appearance.

在崎岖盘旋的山路上,一个弯道接着一个弯道,从山脚向上看的时候,就感觉这条路是直通云霄。In circles ruggedly on the mountain road, a curve then curve, looks upwardly from the foot, felt that this road goes nonstop to Yunsiao.

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Locate武士滩位于托马里国家公园内,距悉尼以北约120英里,岩石耸立且保存完好的武士滩是澳大利亚第一个合法化的天体海滩。Located within the bounds of Tomaree National Park, about 120 miles north of Sydney, ruggedly unspoiled Samurai Beach was one of the first legal nude beaches Down Under.

这些位移传感器是由粗糙的不锈钢构造而成,且能够承受高温或振动等恶劣的环境。These displacement transducers are ruggedly constructed of stainless steel and able to withstand harsh environments where high ambient temperature or vibration is present.

像它的全画幅衍生的A850是凹凸不平的,与高强度铝合金底盘和全镁合金机身外壳伤脑筋的条件下可靠的性能。Like its full-frame sibling, the A850 is ruggedly built for dependable performance in gruelling conditions with a high-tensile aluminium chassis and all-magnesium alloy body shell.

凹凸不平的坚定的亲和风格的处理性能,A850共享相同的24.6万像素传感器和几乎所有的旗舰相机功能,A900,去年推出。Ruggedly built for unflinching pro-style handling and performance, the A850 shares the same 24.6 megapixel sensor and virtually all features of the flagship DSLR-A900, introduced last year.