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物理学家没有理他。He is famous as a physicist.

她丈夫是一位物理学家,收入不菲。Her husband is a well-paid physicist.

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我不能妄称自己多有音乐天赋。He does not pretend to be a physicist.

她的丈夫是一位世界著名的物理学家。Her husband is a world-known physicist.

这位卓有成就的物理学家从不搭架子。The successful physicist never puts on airs.

一个物理学家在爬山There's a physicist hiking on this mountain.

这个人是个物理学家,还是个捡破烂的?Is the person a physicist or a garbage collector?

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引自这位著名的物理学家。The quote comes from this fairly well-known physicist.

有人问泡利对另一个物理学家的看法。And Pauli was asked his opinion about another physicist.

作者维克多·吉林斯基是一位物理学家,同时也是一名能源顾问。VICTOR GILINSKY is a physicist and an energy consultant.

它取名于瑞典物理学家埃格斯特朗。It was named after the Swedish physicist Anders Angstrom.

物理学家格雷格·格布总结了在他的博客上讨论。Physicist Greg Gbur summed up the discussion on his blog.

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不过,物理学家们注意到,许多头骨上并无头发。Alas, the physicist notes, many skulls don’t come with hair.

一个永不言败的实验物理学家永远在探索中。A great physicist for never taking failure is forever in quest.

一位著名的物理学家采用这种方法发表了450篇文章。One famous physicist has some 450 articles using such a strategy.

意大利物理学家亚历山德罗。沃尔塔发明电池。First battery invented by Alessandro Volta , an Italian physicist.

物理学家知道,静力学只是动力学的一种抽象。Statics, the physicist knows, is only an abstraction from dynamics.

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物理学家必须,不断地寻找都有哪些力作用在物体上The physicist has to constantly find out what forces act on bodies.

爱因斯坦是一个著名的物理学家,爱因斯坦说相对论是真的。Einstein is a brilliant physicist. Einstein says relativism is true.

最近我一个学物理的朋友跟我说他部门有一半的人在吃百忧解。A physicist friend recently told me half his department was on Prozac.