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雨花飘落在它怀里。Upon whose bosom rain has lain.

向能提供帮助的人抱怨才有用。Comp lain to one who can help you.

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这些机器已被闲置了几个星期。The machines have lain idle for weeks now.

那老者病卧于床好些年了。The old man has lain sick in bed for years.

这封信放著有一个月没回了。This letter has lain unanswered for a month.

他彻夜未眠,深受嫉妒的折磨。He had lain awake all night, tormented by jealousy.

我彻夜未眠,一直在考虑这个问题。I have lain awake all night thinking of the problem.

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这些问题没有被解决拖得时间太久啦。These issues have lain around unresolved for far too long.

这时一位为真理而死的人被安放在隔壁墓室里。When one who died for Truth , was lain in an adjoining room.

曾经位于山顶的那座庙不见了。The temple which had lain at the top of the hill disappeared.

偶尔的来访者坐在蒲团上,我却从没有躺上去。Occasional visitors sit on the futon, but I've never lain on it.

他在地下埋藏了2000年,只为忠诚的履行自己的职责。He has lain underground for 2, 000 years, loyally doing his duty.

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直到30年前,这块大陆还未被人发现、未被开采,也无人居住。Until 30 years ago, it had lain undiscovered, unmined and uninhabited.

如莱因或攻壳机动队动画迷大概会这样。Fans of anime like Lain or Ghost in the Shell would probably be this kind.

王龙坐在那里抽烟,想着刚刚还在桌子上的那块银元。Wang Lung sat smoking, thinking of the silver as it had lain upon the table.

耶稣到了,就知道拉撒路在坟墓里,已经四天了。Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already.

出生在鸭窝里有什么关系,只要是从天鹅蛋里孵化出来的就行了。It matters nothing if one is born in a duck-yard, if one has only lain in a swan`s egg.

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“一直到今天,儿子再没有对我们撒过谎。”父亲回忆说。"To today, the son again has not lain continuously to us. " The father recollects said.

他们面伏于地,彷佛瘫痪一般,完全和我数分钟前的姿势一样。They lay on their faces as if paralyzed, exactly as I had lain a few minutes before now.

当他躺上去时,她感觉身下有个轮子在滚动,并且漫漫发热。When she lain in it she felt that a wheel was rolling under her body and got hot slowly.