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我是个危险人物,我是牙医,是口腔保健师。I'm a menace , a dentist, an oral hygienist.

工作职责必须与牙科保健员相关。Tasks undertaken must be related to those of a Dental Hygienist.

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告诉你的牙医或者牙科保健师你的口腔保健习惯。Talk to your dentist or dental hygienist about your oral health practices.

帮助病人学习口腔卫生室洗牙师的工作。Helping patients learn good oral hygiene is the job of the dental hygienist.

首先,我的牙医提出了一套无可辩驳的因果链。First, my hygienist presented me with a causal chain that was hard to dispute.

牙医或者牙防人员可以通过添加保护胶材料来修补它。The dentist or dental hygienist can repair sealants by adding more sealant material.

你的牙医或者牙科保健师可以给你演示最适合你的方法。Your dentist or dental hygienist can show you the method that might be best for you.

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直接管理人事经理、人事副经理、人力资源助理及员工餐厅厨师长。Supervisesthe performance of personnel manager, training manager, canteen Chef, doctorand Hygienist.

如果你有时间的话,我叫助手给你今天照X光片。你还要洗洗牙。I'll ask my hygienist to take the X-rays today, if you have time. You should also have your teeth cleaned.

12年前,Broussard的口腔卫生学者说服她坚持刷完牙之后漱口。Twelve years ago, Broussard's dental hygienist convinced her to gargle consistently after brushing her teeth.

她从牙科医生和牙科护理员那里听过多少次应该怎样使用牙刷和牙线呢?How many times has she heard the lecture from a dentist or dental hygienist about how she should brush and floss?

研究表明,看牙医不仅对你的牙齿健康有好处,还能帮助你保护心脏。Visiting a dental hygienist isn't just good for your teeth – it could also protect your heart, researchers claim.

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了解有关从牙齿卫生员固定牙齿的资料,对口腔卫生和牙齿健康的免费视频更多。Learn more about fixing teeth with information from a dental hygienist in this free video on oral hygiene and dental health.

想要洗牙的患者如果担心牙釉质的损坏,可以要求牙医使用颗粒更精细的抛光膏。Patients who remained concerned about enamel damage but want polishing can request the dental hygienist use a finer-grained paste.

这位牙科保健师至今不知道这封信是谁写的。杰德真想不到,为什么会有人做这么卑鄙的事。The dental hygienist still doesn't know who was responsible for the letter. Jade can't think why anybody would feel the need to be so nasty.

如果你吸烟或者无烟烟草,你的牙医或牙科保健师会告诉你哪里很可能会出现溃疡,斑片,碎屑或者肿块。If you smoke or use smokeless tobacco, your dentist or dental hygienist can show you where a sore, spot, patch or lump is most likely to appear.

据美国劳工统计局称,在2018年前,牙科保健师将会是发展最迅速的职业之一。According to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the career of dental hygienist will be one of the fastest growing occupations by the year 2018.

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今天,身为一位注册执业牙齿卫生员,我会以所学的专业知识,为不同阶层,罹患口腔毛病的病人提供最佳的治疗。This course also equips me very well for my daily work as a dental hygienist to cope with different patients who have different oral health problems.

目的进行口腔治疗师医学技术岗位和教育现状分析,提出我国口腔治疗师培养的初步规划。Objective Through the analysis on working task and education for oral medical staff, the aim was to establish the preliminary planning on dental hygienist training.

了解如何开发强生公司于1888年与消费者使用这种免费的视频资料,从牙齿卫生员口腔卫生和牙齿健康蜡牙线。Learn how Johnson & Johnson developed wax dental floss for consumer use in 1888 with information from a dental hygienist in this free video on oral hygiene and dental health.