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这些设计鼓动需求并推进品牌忠诚度。These designs fuel demand and propel brand loyalty.

我们要推动经济发展再上新台阶。We wiIl propel economic development to a new level.

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记住,吸气越多,瓜籽儿吐得越远。Remember, the more air, the farther you can propel the seed.

我们必须首先计算出驱动这艘船需要多大马力。We must first calculate the horse-power needed to propel the ship.

内燃机发电机能提供足够的能量驱动汽车。The engine-generator provides sufficient power to propel the vehicle.

他们参加了世界上第一艘用涡轮机推进的轮船。They saw the first ship to use turbine to propel forward in the world.

流动的一条鱼的尾鳍有助于推动鱼在水中。The movement of a fish's tail fin helps propel a fish through the water.

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心气是推动血液循行的原动力。The heart-qi is the fundamental motive power to propel blood circulation.

而科学家认为,制造石器帮助推进这种进化。And scientists believe that making stone tools helped propel that evolution.

同时,还必须推进财政的民主化和法治化建设。Government must propel democratic and lawful construction of public finance.

也正是他这种球场上不放弃球队的勇敢决定令火箭队士气大增。His gutsy refusal to abandon his team in battle helped to propel the Rockets.

然而,他的散文却被用来宣传旁门妖道。However, his prose was used in order to propel propaganda of a notorious kind.

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其他促动人们变想法为行动的因素犹待研究。Other factors that propel them from thought to action remain to be identified.

丰富多样的互动性教学,帮助您复习和巩固基础知识,并举一反三。Practice and reinforce the basics from the software course to help propel you forward.

大鳍的推动可以使得其可以在水中如同飞一样前进,正如你所猜的一样,像个蝙蝠。The webbing help propel it through the water and almost fly like—you guessed it—a bat.

按照欧智华提出的方案,汇丰将把资产剥离带来的资金用于在亚洲的大规模扩张。Gulliver's blueprint calls for using the extra funds to propel a big expansion in Asia.

莫内选中美国来充当推动欧洲联合的鬼使神差。Monnet had chosen america as the deus ex machina that would propel europe toward unity.

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信号一响,滑雪者拉下赛道上的把手使得自己驶出赛门。At the signal, the luger pulls on handles in the track to propel himself out of the gate.

接着,几十根阻拦索被放出,四根弹簧把杀伤拦截器推向前方。Dozens of cables will be blown off and four springs will propel the kill vehicle forward.

积极发展有特色的优势产业,推进重点地带开发。We must develop industries with local advantages and propel the development of key areas.