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低电量指示。Low battery indication.

相关显示或缺欠。Relevant Indication or Imperfection.

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他处处显出蠢人的迹象。He gave every indication of being a fool.

您能提供一个参考价吗?Could you give me an indication of the price?

现在鼓室成形术的适应症已放宽。The indication for tympanoplasty has become broad.

各种迹象都表明他们在变好。There is every indication that they are reforming.

过热指示信号出现在P5和P7板上。Overheat indication occurs on the P5 and P7 panels.

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该标识可以被几个MB共用。This indication may be common to several macroblocks.

雷达方位角现在只有左、中、右三个区域。There is a radar elevation zone indication on the HUD.

任何迹象出气对玻璃是一种失败。Any indication of Outgassing on the glass is a failure.

但是他没有看到伊朗会立即这样做的任何迹象。But he has seen no indication Iran is ready to do that.

等电聚焦可以用为另一指标。Isoelectric focusing may be used as another indication.

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出生体重轻就表示母亲营养不良。Low birthweight is an indication of a malnourished mother.

所有迹象都表明,该法院会立即行动。There is every indication that the court will act promptly.

这是圣经中唯一一处证明基督是在马棚里出生的经文。This is the only indication that Christ was born in a stable.

目前,奥巴马尚未表明其意欲何为。Obama has given no indication yet as to what he intends to do.

应用阿司匹林有指正,用比不用好。There is indication to use Asprin, and it is better to use it.

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该报告给您了一个很好的随着时间的速度的指示。This report gives you a good indication of velocity over time.

而影响力的标志之一就是,守住资源的能力。One indication of influence is the ability to secure resources.

火警显示面板位于驾驶台的后部。The fire alarm indication panels are at the rear of the bridge.