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SIA系统采用单帧存实时拼版硬件电路,解决了实时快速获取精子运动轨迹线的技术难点。A making up circuit was used in the SIA to get a real-time sperm track image.

新加坡航空公司补充道,“如果这些状况一直持续下去,集团预计将全年亏损。”SIA added, “if these conditions continue, the Group expects to make a loss for the full year”.

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由于科特迪瓦目前的安全和政治局势,三月底的补充免疫活动未能在科特迪瓦开展。In C?ted'Ivoire, the end-March SIA did not take place due to the current security and political situation.

由于科特迪瓦目前的安全和政治局势,三月底的补充免疫活动未能在科特迪瓦开展。In Côte d'Ivoire, the end-March SIA did not take place due to the current security and political situation.

SIA和欧洲半导体产业协会以“三个月平均数字图标”方式发布了月季芯片销售数据。The SIA and the European Semiconductor Industry Association publish monthly data as three-month-average figures.

本工作发展了一种新的集成PDMS气动微阀的微流控芯片顺序注射分析系统。In this work, a SIA system based on PDMS microfluidic chip with integrated pneumatic-activated valves was developed.

同时,东方航空将选派20名经理人到新加坡向新航的同行们“取经”,为期六个月。In turn, China Eastern would assign 20 of its managers to Singapore to spend six months learning from SIA counterparts.

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但我总是告诉自己,胜安是新航的子公司,这类意外是不会发生在新航客机的。But I have been telling myself that SilkAir is a subsidiary of SIA and that similar misfortunes will never happen to SIA.

据了解,新航季中,黄山机场共有9家航空公司运营定期航班,航线8条,通航城市13座。It is understood that SIA quarter, the Huangshan Airport a total of 9 airlines operate regular flights, routes 8, 13 city navigation.

从新航季执行第一周的情况来看,首都机场进出港航班总数为8715架次。SIA quarter from the first week of the implementation of the situation, the capital flight out of Hong Kong airport a total of 8715 sorties.

虽然这样的安排谈不上闻所未闻,但东方航空和新航的合作确实达到了非比寻常的高度,特别是对于一家中国公司而言。While such arrangements aren't unheard of, China Eastern and SIA would take them to an unusually high level, especially for a Chinese company.

新航共有11架A380客机,其中三架飞机被发现有不明油渍,已各更换一个引擎,并恢复飞行。SIA total of 11 A380 aircraft, of which three unidentified aircraft was found to have oil stains, has been the replacement of an engine and return to flight.

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新航已经拥有一家叫胜安航空的执飞短程航线,提供所有服务,主要飞往亚洲旅游地的子公司。新航同时握有亚洲廉航虎航的股权。SIA already has a short-haul, full-service unit called SilkAir, which travels to tourist destinations in Asia and has a stake in Asian budget carrier Tiger Airways.

空客公司向市场推出的A340-500型飞机有3个等级、313个座位,但新加坡航空公司将飞机改装后,将只有181个座位,其中64个在商务舱内。Whereas Airbus markets the A340-500 with 313 seats in a three-class configuration, SIA has designed the aircraft with only 181 seats including 64 in business class.

被派往新加坡的20名东航管理人员将会在六个月后作为一个整体团队回到东航,将新航开展业务的方法教给同事。The 20 China Eastern managers dispatched to Singapore would return after six months as 'a unified team' to instruct their colleagues about the way SIA does business.

目前,国有科学与工业联合体——“要塞”公司可以生产轻武器和弹药、此外,生产的产品还包括民用非致命武器。At present time SO SIA "Fort" is producing small arms and ammunition, besides, considerable part of manufactured products consist non-lethal weapons for civil markets.

SIA和ESIA喜欢目前这个数据表示方式,因为它能平滑的展示实际数据,通常在季度开始呈现低谷,季度结束呈现峰值。The SIA and ESIA prefer to present this data as it smoothes out the actual data that usually show troughs at the beginnings of the quarters and peaks at the ends of the quarters.