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灰泥地板及残余容器和焚烧痕迹。Stucco floor with partial vessels and stains from burning.

研究了聚丙烯纤维对灰泥的增强作用。The reinforcement of stucco with polypropylene fiber is studied.

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分析了影响粉刷石膏保水率的相关因素和测试条件。Water-retention rate is one of important properties for stucco gypsum.

在一件灰泥浮雕上,她是令人望而生畏的美索不达米亚妇女,戴著耳环。In a stucco relief she is a formidable Mesopotamia matron with earrings.

他曾经尝试过熟铁,铜,银,粉饰灰泥,花岗岩和蜡。He used wrought iron , copper, silver, polychromed stucco , granite, and wax.

石棉也是石膏,灰泥和许多油漆,油灰的成分。“万能矿物质”-是石棉古老的别名。Asbestos is also an ingredient of plaster and stucco and of many paints and putties.

他们着迷于白色的粉刷外墙和德国新艺术设计中的金属围栏。They were fascinated by the closed white stucco facades and metal fences in Jugendstil design.

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一条走廊,一幢褐色的泥房子,四个房间,上层两间,下层两间。A porch stretched across the front of the tiny brown stucco house, four rooms, two down, two up.

起初是用壁画覆盖的,后来在1664年以水泥为材质添加了原始生活场面。Originally covered in fresco, the Scenes from the Life of the Virgin in stucco were added in 1664.

接着视需要使所述浆液成形,并且使所述灰泥凝固并使所述硅氧烷聚合。The slurry is then shaped as desired and the stucco is allowed to set and the siloxane polymerizes.

影院内部的某些部分保留着惊人的完整性,包括其粉饰的中央天花板。Some parts of the Cinema’s interior are surprisingly intact, including the center of its stucco ceiling.

用各种各样的扮饰抒发不同的春秋,扮饰品、粉刷、瓷器,从头诠释的细微迹象。A mix of decorative expressions of different ages, decoration, stucco and porcelain, suggestions to reinterpret.

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外饰主要采用灰泥和混凝土,前门两侧嵌有石灰石,房屋建有多面玻璃墙。The exterior is primarily stucco and concrete, with limestone inserts flanking the front door, and walls of glass.

这次展览上最大件展品之一是一个皇室灰泥胸像,在伊拉克基什皇室遗址出土。Among the exhibition's largest pieces is a royal "portrait" bust in stucco found at the royal site of Kish in Iraq.

他们粗犷的建筑雕刻中既有整体岩石雕琢也有涂以灰泥为装饰。Their bold architectural sculpture is either integral with the stone monuments or is added as stucco ornamentation.

房屋表面用打蜡的粉饰灰泥完成,能够反射和折射光线,同时作为实用的因素。The surfaces have been finished in waxed stucco to reflect and refract light, which simultaneously serves as a practical factor.

身材硕长而健壮,年仅58岁的肯兹尤斯在森尼贝尔岛上买了占地4千平方公尺,有一栋三层白色楼房的家园。Strong, slender and still only 58 years old, Kanzius bought a 4, 000-square-foot, three-level white stucco home on Sanibel Island.

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涂料厂虽然提供了色卡,但面积很小与真正粉刷起来的房间效果可能会有差距。Although paint factory offered lubricious card, but the area is very small the room effect that rises with true stucco may have difference.

在街道对过,一张更不吉利的有关抵押品赎回危机的布告贴在考蒂诺道的灰泥房屋的铸铁大门上。Across the street a more ominous sign of the mortgage foreclosure crisis is taped to the wrought iron gate of a stucco house on Cortino Way.

第二个区域立面由清水混凝土构建,白天,楼层中心空间处于粉刷墙和玻璃之中。The secondary areas are built with a façade in exposed concrete, while the day spaces in the center of the floor plan are in stucco and glass.