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她喜欢出风头。She is fond of limelight.

好了,伯特,别出风头。Now, Bert, quit hogging the limelight.

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这位政客是个在众人面前爱出风头的人。The politician is in the limelight showing off.

奥普拉从来都不会离开聚光灯太久。Oprah will not be out of the limelight for long.

这一切让巴库走到了聚光灯下。This has left Baku gearing up for the limelight.

然而洛尔斯在水银灯下的辉煌并没有持续多长时间。Lorz's moment in the limelight did not last very long.

他们没有获得额外报酬,只是享受了一会儿站在镁光灯下的乐趣。They got no extra cash —just a moment in the limelight.

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但是胡将不会仅仅满足于成为众人的焦点。But Mr Hu will be satisfied not least with the limelight.

洛班先生很少成为公众人物,这并非偶然。Mr Lobban's rare foray into the limelight is not accidental.

那位成功的商人一直受到公从的瞩目。The successful businessman has always been in the limelight.

他很有可能被推到国家政治斗争的聚光灯下。He is likely to be thrusted into the national political limelight.

他们颠末过程报告明星表现者的故事来分享“星光”。They share the limelight by telling stories about star performers.

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现在发展与环境的问题已成为人们议论的中心。The problem of development vs. environment has now been in the limelight.

本周开始的时候你很高兴让其他人成为焦点。You're happy to let someone else have the limelight as you start your week.

我不再认为自大的渴望成为众人瞩目的焦点是好事情。I no longer think that arrogantly craving the limelight is a beautiful thing.

归去后顾汉森骗女儿说过两天等风头一过就会把他们放出来的!Home to look kid daughter Hansen said after two days of limelight will put them out!

他现在成了该市的名人之一,但他宁可像过去一样避免引人注目。He is now one of the city's notables — but he prefers to remain out of the limelight.

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领袖的行为以模板为指导,但是他们并不需要聚光灯或者注意。Leaders always lead by example, but they don’t always need the limelight or attention.

油价高起,生态汽车在东京车展上大出风头。Ecologically-friendly cars grab limelight at tokyo auto show thanks to soaring oil prices.

失业率急升和基本法二十三条立法已经成为新的焦点。The surge in unemployment rate and the legislation of Article 23 are now in the limelight.