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毕加索的笔法精妙绝伦。Picasso's brushwork is particularly fine.

笔法松散粗略。The brushwork is loose and undescriptive.

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笔法表明运动和时间的推移。The brushwork suggests movement and the passing of time.

主要擅长工笔画和水彩画。She is an expert in watercolor and fine brushwork paintings.

他抱怨说战后他笔下的线条不那么有力了。He complained of his brushwork being less bold since the war.

从此,这位少女便成为了毕加索绘画和雕刻的模特。From now on, this girl made Picasso brushwork and carven model.

这同样也是和西方绘画所使用的材料特性有关联的。It is related to the material characteristics in Western brushwork.

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布景选在唐朝,内容出色,笔法精深!Sets selected in tang dynasty, and outstanding, brushwork profound content!

他的绘画作品总是以丰富的色彩和精绝的用笔创作而成的。His paintings are almost always executed with rich and masterly color and brushwork.

我写书法几十年了,始终有些问题不清楚。I have done brushwork for tens of years, but there still some questions confused me.

刘大为是全能型画家,工笔重彩和水墨写意兼精。Liu Dawei is a versatile artists, re-color and fine brushwork and freehand fine ink.

凡高发展了个性化的笔法及鲜明、纯色的品位。Van gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant unmixed colours.

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刘阳的书法、绘画造型及用笔的格凋都给我留下至深印象。Liu Yang's calligraphy, painting modeling and brushwork have all impressed me deeply.

我带着颜料和画笔兴冲冲地想与你一起描画我们自家的工笔。I excitedly with paint and brush with you and would like to draw our own fine brushwork.

中国、日本、韩国将回到毛笔和活字印刷时代。Japan, Korea, and China are back to brushwork and linotype fonts for their character sets.

魏的笔墨体现了绘画突出的中国风格,这种风格是以表意文字为基础的。Wei's brushwork reveals a definitive Chinese style of painting, based on ideographic signs.

在今天的绘画当中,文人画和写意画是绝对可以相提并论,但不能视为等同。Literati painting and freehand brushwork can be mentioned in the same breath but not equivalently.

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他继承并发扬了唐、五代、两宋以来工笔花鸟画的优秀传统。He inherited and developed the Tang, Five Dynasties, Song bird has a fine tradition of fine brushwork.

第三章具体分析运笔在审美过程中的作用。Chapter III analysis the role of the texture of the brushwork in the process of aesthetic specifically.

于非暗是当代工笔花鸟画的重要代表性画家。FeiChang-Yu fine brushwork of contemporary artist representation of important bird and flower painting.