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一道道热气腾腾的肉汤被端上来了。Dishes of bouillon were brought in hot and hot.

加入扁豆,鸡精和水。Add lentils, chicken bouillon and water to the skillet.

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解决方法就是制造小罐装的汤冻。The solution was to create little pots of jellied bouillon.

公元1099年十字军的戈弗雷布永城市采取了由穆斯林。AD 1099 crusader Godfrey of Bouillon took the city from Moslems.

他在附近的一家餐馆里喝了一杯牛肉清汤。He treated himself to a cup of bouillon from a restaurant nearby.

鸡精是目前市场上倍受欢迎的一种复合调味料。Chicken bouillon is a popular compound condiment in the present market.

他把盖子从圆筒上拿掉,把一桶鱼都倒进了沸腾的汤里。He took the lid off the cylinder, and upended the pail into the boiling bouillon.

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卸下淋浴龙头,在水管里放块鸡汤调味料,再把龙头拧回去。Remove the shower head and place a chicken bouillon cube in it, then put the head back on.

服务员,你好。菜单上有法式肉汤和法式清汤吗?我找不着。A – Excuse me waiter, do you have bouillon or consommé on the menu? I can't seem to find any.

这个高汤味道浓郁带些烟熏味,和牛肉清汤相仿的是零脂肪,含钠低。The broth has a smoky, hearty flavor similar to that of beef bouillon and is fat-free and low in sodium.

乘务员端来了一碗牛肉清汤,深受那些在海风中感到凉意的人们的欢迎。The cup of bouillon served by the stewards was welcomed by those who had been chilled by the cold ocean breezes.

把黄油加入汤汁,搅拌直到融化,放入切碎的龙蒿叶,舀到每个盘子里。Stir the butter into the bouillon and when it has melted add the tarragon leaves. Spoon a little into each plate.

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你把所有的食物丢进汤里,让它们在里面煮熟,然后用筷子夹出来吃,最后把汤喝掉。You throw all the stuff in the bouillon and let it cook, then fetch it out with your chopsticks. Afterwards you drink the soup.

开火炖大约15分钟,直至鱼汤沸腾,然后将小龙虾放入炖鱼汤中煮一分钟。Bring to a simmer and cook for approximately 15 minutes. Bring the court bouillon to a boil and poach the langoustines for one minute.

锅内留少许底油烧热,放姜蒜末和辣椒酱略炒,然后加入上汤,盐,鸡精烧开。Leave a bit of oil in the same pan and heat up. Add in ginger, garlic and chili sauce. Stir briefly and add in stock, salt, chicken bouillon.

邱家粄条早上七点就开了,很多人都来这吃早点,一碗乾粄条加上肉羹汤,用美好的食物充饱一天所需的能量。Chiu's Flat Noodles opens from 7 am every day. Have some Dried Flat Noodles and a bowl of Bouillon Soup, and it's how your wonderful day begins!

目的研究以平菇浸出液及其分离的脂溶性和水溶性溶液代替蒸馏水制作改良罗氏培养基,对结核杆菌生长的影响。Objective To prepare Group A streptococcus preparation with the improved bouillon medium, and to study the LD50 and the anti-tumor activities of the preparation.

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清炖肉汤是一种清羹汤,用味道丰富的原汤或肉汤制成,通常经过用蛋白质澄清的过程。In cooking, a consomméis a type of clear soupmade from richly flavored stockor bouillon that has been clarified usually through a fining processinvolving egg protein.

另外店内客人常点的肉羹汤,汤头清香不浓稠,肉羹采用上好黑猪肉,轻轻裹上一层粉,吃得到猪肉的鲜美软嫩的口感。Plus, our Bouillon Soup is one of our most-ordered dishes. With the delicate soup and good quality pork bouillon, you may taste the delicious soup and also eat the fresh bouillon.

炸好后的蒜末加入鸡精和麻油调味拌匀后洒在茄子上,放入蒸笼大火正10分钟至茄子儒软。Season the fried garlic with chicken bouillon and sesame oil and evenly sprinkle on the top of the eggplant strips. Steam for 10 minutes until soft and cooked over the strong heat.