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脚灰蓝色。Foot bice.

底脚螺栓松动。Foot stud loose.

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单脚跳。Jump on one foot.

之后他徒步逃离。He escaped on foot.

我身高五尺五英寸。I'm five foot five.

我能摸到我的脚。I can touch my foot.

他徒步旅行。He journeyed on foot.

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你的脚肿了吗?Is your foot swollen?

他有香港脚。He has athlete's foot.

他的脚扭伤了。His foot has strained.

你是什么脚型?What's Your Foot Type?

我步行去学校上学。I go to school on foot.

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波斯猫之脚。Foot of the Persian cat.

你有香港脚。You have athlete's foot.

她身高五英尺二寸。She's only five foot two.

上楼梯,脚一滑。The stairs, foot slipped.

她的痛脚困扰着她。Her sore foot bothers her.

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我正在暖脚丫子。I was warming my one foot.

为什么要用我的肘和脚呢?Why use my elbow and foot?

他的脚麻木了。His foot has gone to sleep.