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在1997年和1999年,首都弗里敦曾被各种派别的反政府武装所占据。Freetown had been invaded by different rebel forces in 1997 and in 1999.

我们在弗里敦加的燃料没够把我们送到蒂尔伯里了。The fuel oil we took on at Freetown will be enough to get as to Tilbury.

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一年后政府宣布战争已经结束,母亲回到了弗里敦。A year later the government declared the war over and my mother returned to Freetown.

国家社会行动委员会聘请了塞拉利昂首都弗里敦的手语专家开展培训。NaCSA brought in a team of sign-language specialists from Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown.

而我后来又回到过弗里敦许多次,经常会看见街头表演。As for me, I have been back to Freetown many times since and I often see street performers.

星期五夜间从弗里敦乘车到欧贝海滩,城里好像在过节,到处都是人。Driving from Freetown to John Obey late on a Friday night, the city was in full party mode.

周末参加了在弗里敦举办的大型聚会,接下来的一天就不用提了。I managed to lose the ability to speak the day after a big party in Freetown at the weekend.

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我的钱包,证件,所有的一切,都留在了弗里敦我们好不容易捡了条命,能不能让我们就这样过去?。My wallet, my credentials, everything got left in Freetown. We barely got out with our lives. Can we just get through?

我午夜11点到达弗里敦,有一大群人围着我要帮助我,很难说出我的印象是什么。It’s hard to say what my impression was at 11pm in Freetown airport, surrounded by a large number of people crowding around me, offering to help.

到达弗里敦本身就是一种狂乱的经历,但是约翰.欧贝海滩却是另外一个世界,一个没有被损毁的天堂,这里的人们由衷欢迎你。Arriving into Freetown is a crazy experience in itself, but John Obey is a world apart – an unspoilt paradise where the people welcome you with open hearts.

然而还有弗里敦之外的乡野——有令人惊奇的山地丛林半岛,有无边无际的沙漠和渔村,使我想起这里好像是还没有建起酒店的桑给巴尔或多巴哥。And then there is the country beyond Freetown – the peninsula and its incredible jungle sierra, endless sands and fishing communities remind me of Zanzibar or Tobago without the hotels.