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那只鸟飞走了。The bird has flown away.

这位飞机行员已经驾驶飞机多年了。The pilot has flown for years.

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老板从伦敦飞回来参加活动。Bosses had flown in from London.

由于你已远远的飞走。Coz Uve flown away, so far away.

像鸟儿一样飞翔在城市上空?Flown like a bird around a city?

妹妹牵心远飞翔。You have flown with my own heart.

再也找不回,就像鸟儿已经飞走。Lost, and like a bird it has flown.

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这朵花的颜色,已经凋陨。The color from the flower is flown.

一些野鹅刚刚飞过。Some wild geese have just flown over.

我已乘过很多次飞机。I have flown on an airplane many times.

让我们的生命成为满溢的福杯,让神的祝福遍满全地。May God's blessings be flown to the land.

林同志刚从西安乘飞机到这里。Comrade Lin has just flown in from Xi' an.

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这可是过去8至12周的流行元素。It's really flown over the past 8-12 weeks.

三个受伤的水手被空运离开船舰。Three wounded sailors were flown off the ship.

一架喷气式飞机发着刺耳啸声掠过头顶。He was flown to the hospital by a military jet.

无数的鸟儿飞越了千万里。Millions of birds have flown thousands of miles.

现在苏特已经66岁了,这期间他已经飞行了超过1200次。Now 66, Suitor has flown more than 1, 200 times.

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奥尔德林曾完成过“双子座”的最后一次太空飞行。Aldrin had flown on the last of the Gemini flights.

我不要一路飞到这里就这样原封打包回去。I haven't flown all the way here to pack it in now.

今年,我搭乘德尔塔航空公司的航班飞行累计多达125000英里。This year, I'll have flown 125, 000 miles on Delta.