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这就是我的目标。That was my goal.

这就是她的目标。That was her goal.

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这是我们的目标。That was our goal.

坏打破,福禄克的目标。Bad break, fluke goal.

本。阿莫斯守门。Ben Amos will keep goal.

终于,我达到目标了。So. I made the the goal.

那也可能是我的目标。That may be not my goal.

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你最终的目标是什么?What is your final goal?

传教目的并不在此。Missions is not that goal.

我们的下个目的是苏比亚克。Our next goal was Subiaco.

尽善尽美并非目标。Perfection is not the goal.

出国深造是我的目标。To study abroad is my goal.

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这是一记伟大的制胜球。It was a great winning goal.

我们队刚进了一个球。Our team just scored a goal.

热情应该成为你的目标。Passion should be your goal.

经常回顾你的目标。Review your goal frequently.

最后出来的那个球真美丽。That last goal was a beauty.

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然后专注于下一个目标。Then focus on the next goal.

我们的目标是为Python建立“食谱“Our goal is to build recipes.

为每个目标设置最后期限。Set a deadline for each goal.