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散列来生成一个检索的列表。Hash to make a list of searches.

无法取得有效的登入杂凑。Unable to get a valid login hash.

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不支持哈希分区表。Hash partitioning is not supported.

XXXXX占位符是散列值。The XXXXX placeholder is a hash code.

对于谜板而言,它是一个简单的散列表。As for the board, it is a simple hash.

这个数据可以是表或散列集群。This data can be table or hash clusters.

然后我们会一起讨论解决这个问题。Then we'll get together and hash this out.

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是他提供海洛英给米契尔么?Is he providing hash and heroin to Mitchell?

做肉丸子时,你一定要把肉切碎。When you make meatball you must hash up meat.

将项目类型定义放入散列表中。Put item type definitions into the hash table.

第二种方法是使用散列表示法。The second method is to use the hash notation.

它是建立在一种类似于散列表的模型上的。Instead it is based on a hash table like model.

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对每个哈希函数发送一半的输入。Half of the input is sent to each hash function.

最好的方法是什么数组转换成一个散列?。What is the best way to convert an array to a hash?

我很怀疑,阿伯拉罕是否真的糟蹋了自己。I wondered if Abraham really had made a hash of life.

发出古龙水、烟草,以及他们那些洋基大麻精的恶臭。Stink of cologne and baccy, and all their Yankee hash.

这个属性是有金钥的杂凑演算法之金钥。This property is the key for the keyed hash algorithm.

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星型连接计划利用下推散列连接技术。Star join plan utilizes push-down hash join technology.

我急着想跟你明天碰面,切磋一些细节。I am anxious to meet you tomorrow to hash out the details.

前有一阵子你做粗工,现在则做接待。You've worked in a sweatshop and now you're slinging hash.