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时间足以让一个最后的出击。Time enough for one last sortie.

你今天不许出击。I forbid you to make a sortie today.

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每次出击飞性能停留空中大约七小时之久。The aircraft can stay airborne for about seven hours per sortie.

这场冰雪突围战中,爱心与奉献会带我们回家。Love and dedication can take us back home in the snowstorm sortie.

重新装弹能力对于出勤率而言是一个重要影响因素。Re-arming capacity is a significant factor in sortie generation rate.

结果就是,有了“巨大的油轮需求”,出动率低下。The result is that sortie rates will be low, with a "huge tanker demand."

小燕一直很不喜欢她哥哥涉足黑道。Xiaoyan does not like black way of sortie of her elder brother very much all the time.

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所以,它是不太可能在这个方面会发挥很大,因为它减少了出击率。So it's unlikely this aspect is going to play a big role as it could reduce sortie rate.

在明亮的早晨,人们正在为当天的第一次出击作准备。Here, in the brightening morning sky, Typhoons are prepared for the first sortie of the day.

塞弗里奇告诉他,他将把科考的护卫人员削减至每次一人。Selfridge tells him he will cut the escorts on the scientific teams back to one man per sortie.

该机由电池供电,非常安静,每次可滞空20分钟。This aircraft is battery powered, very quiet and can stay in the air for 20 minutes per sortie.

目的非接触测量实验兔主动脉弓在体运动和变形。Objective To non-contact measure the movement and deformation of experimental rabbit's sortie arch in vivo.

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针对低分辨率雷达回波含有架次特征信息的状况,提出一种回波仿真方法。In view of echo of low-resolution radar contains sortie signature, a method of echo simulation was proposed.

这种新闻没啥新鲜的。要是哪次米格飞机成功出击而没摔下来,那么请报道出来。Nothing new about this news. Please publish if there is any Mig successfully completes a sortie without crashing.

在第二条上态度要放端正,还不清楚潜艇出动是意味着“只要它进出港口”或者是被美国称之为“巡逻”的,又或者是俄罗斯所称的“战斗服务”。To be fair on the latter, it is not clear whether sortie means "any time it put out to port" or what the Americans call "Patrols" and Russians call "Combat Service".

虽然涉足电子商务已经有了良好的市场氛围和明显的比较优势,相互结合两个市场营销管理模式或直接进入网的密码。Although sortie e-commerce have made a good market atmosphere and obvious comparative advantage, mutual combination two management of marketing mode or enter directly nets pin.

即使要推广,也会牵涉到大量资金问题,这显然是从未涉足过互联网行业的何长孝没有料到的。Although want to popularize, also meet drag in arrives many capital problem, why do this never grow filial piety what sortie crosses Internet trade to do not have expect apparently.

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大地艺术继续了极简艺术的抽象、简单的造型形式,又融合了过程艺术、概念艺术的思想,成为艺术家涉足景观设计的一座桥梁。Earth art acceded extremely the abstraction of brief art, simple modelling form, shirt-sleeve the thought of process art, concept art, make a bridge that artist sortie landscape designs.

2月4日,印度空军的一架米格-21战斗机“野牛”,在中央邦谢奥布尔地区的一次常规训练中由于明显的发动机故障而坠毁,然而飞行员安全跳伞。On February 4, an IAF MiG-21 'Bison' fighter plane had crashed apparently due to an engine problem while on a routine sortie in Madhya Pradesh's Sheopur district but the pilot had ejected safely.