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在这个农业国几乎没有机械化。There appears to be little mechanisation in this rural area.

职业教育是近代机器化大生产的产物。Vocational education was bron because of the mechanisation in the morden time.

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这丰盛的奇迹是借由结合机械化和细心的管理而达成的。It achieves this miracle of abundance by a combination of mechanisation and careful management.

传统的小农种植模式与现代的机械化管理不匹配。The conventional planting model of small-sized plantations cannot match modernised mechanisation management.

农业是由许多小块出租的状态不能支持机械化步履蹒跚。Agriculture is hobbled by a multitude of small plots leased from the state that cannot support mechanisation.

机械化和耕地的合并可以提高生产率,意味着不再需要这么多农民。Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.

根据沥青混合料的强度理论,分析了粉煤灰对沥青混合料稳定性影响的微观机理。According to asphalt mixture"s strength theory, analyse the microscopic mechanisation of flyash in the asphalt mixture."

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虽然官员们强调从“机械化”到“信息化”的转变,但昨天的各项展示明显是老一套。While officers emphasised the shift from "mechanisation" to "informatisation", the displays yesterday were distinctly old-school.

最近几年来,由于通过改革生产技术和实行机械化,减少了对劳力的依靠。The industry has in recent years responded by reducing labour input through improved production techniques and through mechanisation.

研究锡元素在微合金灰铸铁中的行为,揭示其影响铸件残余应力的机理。The action of tin element in minute alloy cast iron were studied and its mechanisation of affect residual stress were announced in this paper.

本文主要分析了F3断层突发性涌水机理,介绍了F3断层突涌水的治理措施。The analysis is made of mechanisation for burst water on Fault F3 and an introduction is given to treatment measures for the gushed water in this paper.

但这个估算是基于当前的农业状况,机械化作业和联合耕作将提高生产效率,意味着不再需要大量农业人口。But that is based on today’s agriculture. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.

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结合水稳砂砾在民航路中的施工经验,着重阐述了水稳砂砾机械化施工的方法。Combining water- steady construction experience in the river, put great emphasis to states the mechanisation construction's method to steady gravel with water.

工业革命指的是18世纪末、19世纪初英国工业的机械化,以及因此而导致的社会结构和经济结构的变化。The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

另外,为了提高煤矿矿主的利润,政府要求煤矿提高效率,提高效率意味着要提高机械化程度,这将导致裁员。In addition, in order to increase the profitability for their owners, the mines required efficiency improvements, to be achieved by means of increased mechanisation and thus job cuts.

随着军队机械化、信息化水平的逐步提高,军用软件已经渗透到军事应用的各个方面,成为武器装备体系中不可或缺的组成部分。With the increasing of military mechanisation and informatization, the military software has become indispensable component of weapon system and been widely used in the military affairs.

赤角新空邮中心大楼的建造工程于八月竣工,而综合邮政机械化系统的安装工程则于十二月完成。Construction work on the new Air Mail Centre building at Chek Lap Kok was completed in August and the installation of a comprehensive Postal Mechanisation System was completed in December.