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本文对冷却处理控制样放电的研究进展予以综述。The cooling control epileptiform discharge researches were reviewed here.

脑电图异常表现为弥漫性慢波增多和局限性痫性放电。The appearances of abnormal EEG were mainly slow wave and local epileptiform discharge.

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经1个月后复查有6例脑电图异常,其中1例仍有癫样放电。Abnormal discharge was 6 cases in EEG after 1 month. Epileptiform activity was found also in 1 patient.

痫样放电时间、部位、临床发作与异常发作的关系。Relationship of time and location of epileptiform discharge and clinical seizure with abnormal seizure.

目的探讨儿童发作性疾病的临床与痫样放电的关系。Objective To explore the relation between clinical and epileptiform discharges of in children with paroxysmal diseases.

不同临床类型HLD患者VEEG的异常率无显著差异,其VEEG异常主要表现为基本节律慢化,阵发性慢波和痫样放电。A slow down of the basic rhythm, paroxysmal slow wave and epileptiform discharges were the main changes observed in EEG.

结论不同剂量的氧化苦参碱和槐定碱对癫痫具有不同的影响。Conclusion The different dose of OMT and SOP can produce different influences on the epileptiform activity induced by penicillin.

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内脏传入信息可能通过在脑的皮质、海马部位的整合作用达到有效地阻抑躯体痫性活动。Somatic epileptiform activity could be effectively inhibited by the integration of visceral afferent information in cortical and hippocampal parts.

目的探讨脑性瘫痪患儿伴发临床下癫样放电的临床特征及相关危险因素。Objectives To investigate the clinical features and the related risk factors of subclinical epileptiform discharges in children with cerebral palsy.

异常脑电图主要表现为弥漫性慢波活动22例,局限于一侧半球的慢波活动34例,散在或阵发性棘波、尖波或棘慢、尖慢综合波49例。The abnormal EEGs mainly showed diffuse slow waves in 22 patients, slow waves localized in one hemi- sphere in 34, epileptiform discharges in 49 patients.

在对小波神经网络及其算法研究的基础上,提出了一种对脑电信号压缩表达和痫样脑电棘波识别的新方法。A novel method of EEG signals compression representation and epileptiform spikes recognition based on wavelet neural network and its algorithm is presented.

结论SEE-CO2PP可对抗青霉素诱发的惊厥行为和痫样放电,具有抗惊厥作用。CONCLUSION SEE-CO2PP inhibits the epileptiform discharge and convulsive behaviors of convulsive model rats, which suggests SEE-CO2PP has anticonvulsive action.

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结论发作期的临床表现及VEEG为癫痫分类诊断提供重要的依据。Clinical episodes with epileptiform discharge of VEEG monitoring have significant diagnostic value in classifying seizure types of children with epileptic seizure.

结论CP患儿VEEG非特异性异常及样放电率较高,但相当部分伴随的发作性症状为非癫事件。Conclusions The non-specificity abnormality and epileptiform discharge rate is high of VEEG in children with CP, but much paroxysmal symptom is non-epileptic attacks.

目的探讨86例脑电图一侧懒波、另一侧痫样放电癫痫患者的病史特点及痫灶定位。Objective To explore the localization of epileptogenic foci and the characteristics in 86 patients with lazy waves in one side of hemisphere and epileptiform waves in the other side hemisphere.