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因此,你必然可以看到整个世界。You must see the world there, perforce.

我和我的一切必然任你摆布。Perforce am thine and all that is in me.

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我是你俘虏,全在我心里。Perforce am thine, and all that is in me.

将迫不得已而漫过岸堤。Perforce will force it overflow the bank.

我们只好从栅栏里面往外窥视自然。We perforce took our peeps at nature from behind the barriers.

马被击中时,马背上的人必然会跌落下来。When a horse is shot, the man on the horseback perforce falls down.

关于恐龙,人们谈论的很多东西都必然是种猜测。Much of what people are talking about dinosaurs is, perforce , guesswork.

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如果我没有按照张结海所批准的思维思考,我就是注定是错误的。If I do not think in the Zhang Jiehai approved manner, I must perforce be wrong.

祂将真理和仁爱表现得如此美妙和高贵,令人心中油然而升崇敬之情。He made Truth and Love so beautiful and royal that the heart perforce did reverence.

收养一个男孩居然没征询她的意见,那她肯定不能同意啦!This had been done without her advice being asked, and must perforce be disapproved.

于是知事及其僚佐们的荷包,只好空着。So it is that the purses of the magistrates and their underlings perforce remain empty.

他已经被睡眠浸透了,说不定只好清清醒醒忍受生命的白炽光的照射。He was soaked with sleep, and perforce he must now stay awake and endure the white glare of life.

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在第一次见面的时候,你的美姿已使我不禁说出而且矢誓着我爱你了。And thy fair virtue's force perforce doth move me, On the first view, to say, to swear, I love thee.

如果我们向只说假话的守卫提问,那我们必须无视他的回答。If we ask the guard who spews only falsehoods, and he gives us a response, we must perforce disregard it.

那颗因怀有这种秘密而有负罪感的心,也就此必然将秘密保持下去,直到一切隐秘的事情都要予以揭示的那一天。The heart, making itself guilty of such secrets, must perforce hold them until the day when all hidden things shall be revealed.

诚然,从那以来发生了很多变化,现代语言和文学,也必然不断改变经典,直至最后将它简化。Well, a great deal has happened since then, and perforce modern languages and literatures have altered the canon always to the end of thinning it out.

而程序员则必须学会如何编写程序来直接控制视频显示、键盘、和鼠标,因为MS-DOS和BIOS在这方面都做的不够。Application programmers perforce learned how to program the video display, keyboard, and mouse directly because neither MS-DOS nor the system BIOS did so adequately.

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英国的医院面对医生和护士严重短缺的问题,许多生命垂危的病人不能马上获得治疗。British hospitals face an acute shortage of doctors and nurses. Numerous patients with life-threatening ailments, perforce , have to wait a long time before being treated.

但是,许多发明家的口头能力有麻烦,而许多政治家能说会道,但需要在他们需要讲述的概念上再受训练。But many inventors have trouble with verbal acuity, and many politicians gifted with a silver tongue need to be schooled in the concepts they are perforce required to address.

任何接到输入端的导线会强制将开关转接到导线目前的逻辑状态,因此将一位元的资讯由「逻辑」转为「记忆」。Any wire connected to the input of a switch will perforce set that switch to the wire's present logical state, thus transferring one bit of information from "logic" to "memory.