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我在这儿人地生疏。I am unfamiliar with the subject.

我在一个陌生的城市里形单影只。I was alone in an unfamiliar city.

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被迫看到了我陌生的兄姐。Forced to meet unfamiliar siblings.

对李江来说,这是一种陌生的感觉。It was an unfamiliar feeling for Li.

在这个陌生的城市里我们迷路了。We got lost in this unfamiliar city.

被迫有了我陌生的孩子。Forced to father unfamiliar offsprings.

为什么梦会如此怪异和陌生?Why are dreams so strange and unfamiliar?

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他不熟悉证据法。He is unfamiliar with the rules of evidence.

你神奇的眼睛电闪雷鸣。Under the lightnings of thine unfamiliar eyes.

我的所见,所闻,所感都是那么陌生。Every sight, sound, and feeling was unfamiliar.

如果你们不熟悉这个,没关系的。Don't be distressed if you're unfamiliar with it.

一个陌生的笔迹在上面潦草地写下他的名字。His name was scrawled on it in an unfamiliar hand.

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我在这儿人地生疏。I am unfamiliar with the place and the people here.

三年前,我们从陌生走向信任。Three years ago, we went from unfamiliar to trustful.

当火车开入这座陌生的城市。When the train opens to go into this unfamiliar city.

因为是陌生电话,所以我就没有回拨。Because it is unfamiliar phone, so I did not call back.

踏入高中那扇大门,陌生的环境犹如地狱般可怕。In high school the door, unfamiliar environment like hell.

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您能无需盲杖在一个不熟悉的地方行走。You can walk around an unfamiliar place without a white cane.

摩尔说,许多海地人都不熟悉这些森林地带。These forest areas are unfamiliar to many Haitians, Moore said.

电话铃声在黑暗中响起-一阵微弱、不熟悉的声响。A telephone was ringing in the darkness—a tinny , unfamiliar ring.