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你要给我的皮肤去角质吗?Would you exfoliate my skin?

您可以去角质保养,以帮助那些脱落。You can exfoliate to help those out as well.

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用白糖涂在你的嘴唇上,去掉你唇上的死皮,这样能让嘴唇看起来柔软。Exfoliate your lips with sugar to make them soft.

现在,当你的脸仍然是湿的时候,你应该剥落。Now, while your face is still wet, you should exfoliate.

连续切片见内皮层有剥脱现象。Successive section sees endoderm has exfoliate phenomenon.

结果表明,蒙脱土以片层结构分布在聚合物基体中。The results show that MMT lamellas exfoliate from PAM matrix.

短短几分钟就可以使你的肌肤焕然一新。In a matter of minutes you can completely exfoliate your skin.

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首先,你应该去角质保养你的皮肤,以消除任何死皮。First off, you should exfoliate your skin to remove any dead skin.

去角质,或者用泡沫丰富的洗面奶再做一次深沉洁面。Exfoliate or follow with a good foaming cleanser for a deeper clean.

每周做一次去死皮处理,用含有磨砂粒子的磨砂膏揉搓脸部。Once a week, exfoliate with a scrub containing soft, synthetic beads.

擦于湿润的肌肤,清洁,去角质一步轻松搞定。Simply rub the bar on wet skin to cleanse and exfoliate in one easy step.

重者连成一片,甚至发展成剥脱性皮炎。The person that weigh becomes repeatedly, develop to exfoliate even sexual dermatitis.

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唇部磨砂呵护你的唇,轻柔摩擦去角质和使干燥的嘴唇变的光滑。Dab a little Sugar Scrub on your lips and rub generously to exfoliate and smooth dry skin.

事实上,没有比这更便宜的日常的有效的去死皮方法了。In point of fact, there is no cheaper way for you to regularly and effectively exfoliate your skin.

洁面产品可以是温和的香皂,柔和的磨砂产品,卸妆乳和泡沫洁面奶等。A cleanser can be anything from mild soap, a gentle exfoliate , cleansing cream or foaming cleanser.

每天用温和的洁面用品净化你的皮肤,一周至少用温和的去角质霜去角质。Cleanse skin daily with a gentle cleaner and exfoliate at least twice a week with a gentle skin scrub.

吃完饭后尽是油的盘子也可以用咖啡豆来清理,道理和清洗你的脸一样。Greasy pans can be cleaned with the left over ground beans that you used to exfoliate and scrub your face.

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好好照顾你的皮肤,记得定期去角质,这样你的皮肤就可以常保健康罗。Take good care of you skin, and remember to exfoliate regularly so that your skin will always stay healthy.

使用婴儿油和糖来去死皮同时也是保持肌肤清新迷人的一个快速的方法。Using baby oil and sugar to exfoliate is also a quick way of keeping your skin fresh and attractive looking.

“我告诉我的接受治疗者,使用磨砂洗面奶或弱酸性去皮素来脱离角质层,每周一次,”艾伦马默博士说。"I tell my patients to exfoliate weekly using a creamy exfoliator or a mild acid peel" says Dr. Ellen Marmur.