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北山羊与石山羊有较远的亲缘关系。The ibex is a distant relative of the mountain goat.

在“山羊”是素食主义者可以多出20公斤。The "Capra Ibex" is vegetarian and can eat up to 20 kg.

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衣索比亚狒狒跟瓦利亚野山羊一起吃草。The geladas graze alongside walia ibex , which are also unique to these highlands.

比利牛斯野山羊原产于位于安道尔共和国、法国和西班牙地界的比利牛斯山脉。The Pyrenean Ibex was native to the Pyrenees, a mountain range in Andorra, France and Spain.

我在同一台电脑上使用过Heron,Ibex还有Jaunty,无线网络也是完全相同。This is the same computer I used Heron, Ibex and Jaunty on, and the same wireless system, too.

这是欧洲阿尔卑斯山的野山羊,牠们喜欢吃坝墙上的苔藓、地衣和舔坝墙上的盐分。They are European Ibex and they like to eat the moss and lichen & lick the salt off the dam wall.

最初的测试表明了一种含脂肪,类似腌肉的叫作阿尔卑斯野山羊的野生山羊肉的存在。Initial tests indicate the presence of fatty, baconlike meat of a kind of wild goat called an alpine ibex.

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没有任何现存的模型可以解释窄带,IBEX上的两台设备分别检测到了它。No existing model can explain the ribbon, he adds, which was found independently by two instruments on IBEX.

在弗留利,最北部地区的意大利“BECK的”是指“山羊”,为山羊拉丁名。InFriuli, the most Northern East region of Italy "BECK" means"Capra Ibex", the Latin name for the Mountain Goat.

IBEX还产生了第一张从外部空间进入太阳系的中性氢原子和氧原子的地图。IBEX has also generated the first maps of neutral hydrogen and oxygen atoms entering the solar system from interstellar space.

2010年夏天,迈着令无数登山者羡慕的步伐,阿尔卑斯野山羊爬上了意大利北部一座近乎垂直的大坝。Using moves that would make any rock climber jealous, Alpine ibex cling to a near-vertical rock face of a northern Italian dam in summer 2010.

有超过60幅的图画,用简单而自信的线条勾勒出了猛犸象、马匹和北山羊,无不展现了惊人的艺术天赋。More than 60 images of mammoths, horses and ibex were outlined, each animal depicted in simple, confident lines that reveal startling artistic talent.

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塞米恩国家公园也是很多珍稀动物的栖息地,比如,杰拉达狒狒、塞米恩狐貍和只在该地生活的瓦利亚野生山羊。The park is home to some extremely rare animals such as the gelada baboon, the simien fox and the walia ibex , a goat found nowhere else in the world.

一旦该山羊自然天敌如狼,熊和非洲的山猫,今天的皇家鹰仍然是其唯一的捕食吃最脆弱的例子。Once the natural predators of the Capra Ibex where the wolf, the bear and in Africa the lynx, today the Royal Eagle remain its only predator which eats the most fragile examples.