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是的,我完全赞同。Yes, I fully agree.

他衣冠楚楚。He is fully dressed.

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我完全相信他...I trust him fully...

我完全同意这一点。I fully agree with that.

现在全力转动扳手。Now turn the wrench fully.

视频充分地重新编码。Video is fully re-encoded.

我可以完全的自我表达。I can express myself fully.

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她目前已完全痊愈。She has now fully recovered.

那匹马已被全力驱策。The horse was fully extended.

她充分揭露了事实真相。She fully disclosed the truth.

他们还没有完全出师。They haven't trained fully yet.

他们有完备的功能。They're able to fully function.

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咱们应充分利用这一机遇。We ough to use that time fully.

他不能完全控制这只手臂。He can't fully control the limb.

路上足足走了2天2夜。The journey took fully two days.

运动已经全面铺开。The movement is fully under way.

他说自己现在是满仓投资。He now says he is fully invested.

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没有哪个系统是万全的。No system can be fully foolproof.

薰衣草开花了。The lavenders are in fully bloom.

操作过程完全是自动化的。The process is fully automatized.