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耽于声色口腹之乐乃是这个时代的罪行。Sensuality is the sin of the age.

他的系列“卡雷相思“,是一种纯粹的感官视觉。His serie "Carré Blanc" is a vision of pure sensuality.

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ESCADA代表着摩登优雅、迷人和感性。ESCADA stands for modern elegance, glamour, and sensuality.

她散发出的对生活之乐和热情奔放的感觉都消失了。She exuded joie de vivre and an ebullient sensuality that she lost.

事实上,有非常充分的理由可以把沉湎于声色之乐的性看作是衰败和穷途末路的征象。In fact, it may very well be the sign of a crippled or impoverished sensuality.

泽田师傅相信,只有亲身体验过用手拿着吃的过程,才能接收到食用寿司的真正感官享受。Sawada believes only the hands-on experience delivers the true sensuality of sushi.

这些刺激的人工化颜色是否暗示了艺术家的内心恐惧?Do these provocative man-made colors reveal the artist's inner fears, or sweet sensuality?

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其童话文本中的人物形象、情节和语言表达出隐藏的纵欲与赎罪倾向的矛盾。The characters' image, plot and language show the hidden paradox of sensuality and redemption.

如果你正在追寻一种感官享受,这10部法国女同电影将是最佳首选。If you’re looking for sensuality these 10 best French lesbian movies are at the top of the pack.

吮吸指尖的食物,同时向你的爱人频送秋波。Lick food from your fingers all the while locking eyes with your lover and radiating sensuality.

意大利艺术具有浓缩的完美和超乎绝伦的感官享受,让人如醉如痴,觉得不可思议。The beauty of Italian art has a concentrated perfection and transcendent sensuality that is incredibly addictive.

如此一来,相应引起了观众对原始感觉的好奇,例如恐惧、求生欲和性。These in turn provoke spectators to become conscious of their primitive senses, such as fear, survival and sensuality.

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处女座男人和双鱼座女人相容性最闪亮的因素之一是他们的纵欲和外表。One of the brightest factor of the Pisces woman and Virgo man compatibility istheir sensuality and physical appearance.

这两个十二生肖中的星座最初就相互吸引,他们都充满了热情和性感。There is a lot of initial attraction between these two Zodiac signs as both of them are full of passion and sensuality.

天秤座人天生爱扮靓,要是看到你手捧鲜花站在他/她家门口等待约会的话,肯定乐开了花。Beauty and sensuality are important to Libras, so this is definitely the person for whom you want to bring flowers to the door.

天秤座人天生爱扮靓,因此要是看到你手捧鲜花站在他/她家门口等待约会的话,肯定乐开了花。Beauty and sensuality are important to Libras, so this is definitely the person for whom you want to bring flowers to the door.

黑白画作中颇具设计感的具体对话被可触知的能量流替代,充沛着对感官的吸引。The graphic and concise dialogue of his black and white pieces has been replaced with a tactile vigor, dripping with sensuality.

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对于那些寻找一种坚定、安全和持久关系的人来说,你的性感和敏锐使你成为一个理想的伴侣。Your sensuality and readiness to please make you a desirable partner for one who seeks a solid, secure and long-lasting relationship.

双鱼座是最容易的属相来签署日期,因为他们并不需要花哨的小玩意儿,他们喜欢放纵自己的感性。Pisces are the easiest sign in the zodiac to date because they don't require fancy trinkets and they love to indulge their sensuality.

这位神一生中仍然保持独身。价值于自我控制,弃绝和抵制他的崇拜者的引诱。The God remained celibate throughout his life, and valued self-control, renunciation and resistance to sensuality among his worshippers.