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这是侏罗纪时代的场景?A scene from the Jurassic age?

一侏菊花的结果,会成为我们之间的宿命吗。The result of a Jurassic Chrysanthemum, will be our destiny do.

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晚三叠世,甚至侏罗纪,该盆地仍然发育有深水沉积环境。There was still deep-water basin in Late Triassic, even Jurassic.

烃源岩发育于中下侏罗统中。The Lower and Middle Jurassic contain the hydrocarbon source rock.

早侏罗世湖泊多期发育但规模较小,中侏罗世中晚期湖泊规模最大。Lake area expanded to the largest in the middle-late Middle Jurassic.

博物馆几乎收藏了侏罗纪所有的恐龙的化石。The museum stores nearly all species of dinosaurs living in Jurassic.

莎莉丝特地爪龙可追溯至侏罗纪早期。The Aardonyx celestae species dates back to the early Jurassic period.

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查吾拉群的时代为中侏罗世巴柔期-卡洛期。They are referred to as theBajocina-Callovian of Middle Jurassic in age.

晓南煤矿含煤地层属侏罗系陆相沉积。Coal measures in Xiaonan coalmine belong to Jurassic terrestrial deposit.

金矿床的主成矿期为晚侏罗世—早白垩世。Major ore-forming period of gold is in late Jurassic to early Cretaceous.

成矿作用主要与中侏罗世—晚侏罗世的花岗质岩浆活动相关。Mineralization is mainly related to Mid-Late Jurassic granitic magmatism.

赋存在侏罗系含煤地层的上部。The deposit occurs in the upper part of the Jurassic coal-bearing strata.

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赫氏近鸟龙发掘自侏罗纪湖床的沉积物中,距今1.55亿至1.6亿年。It came from Jurassic lakebed deposits 155 million to 160 million years old.

台北凹陷在侏罗纪以后成为吐哈盆地的沉积中心。Taibei Say was the depositional center of Turpan-Harmi Basin after Jurassic.

侏罗系是柴达木盆地的重要含油岩系,近年勘探连连有新发现。Jurassic strata are an important petroleum bearing sequences in Qaidam basin.

上侏罗统多底沟组则依然发育碳酸岩台地的滨海相沉积。The Late Jurassic Duodigou Fm. is made up of the littoral facies carbonatite.

剑龙生活在恐龙时代的中期侏罗纪时代。Stegosaurus lived in the Jurassic period, the middle period of dinosaur history.

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还记得在侏罗纪公园中看到活着的恐龙的迷人的第一瞥吗?Remember the spellbinding first glimpse of the living dinosaurs in Jurassic Park?

让我们把关注范围缩小至侏罗纪,看看那里的超级大陆泛古陆一分为二的过程。We zoom into the Jurassic and witness the super continent of Pangea split in two.

在日本的一个恐龙展览用技术去建立了一个虚拟的茱罗纪公园。A dinosaur exhibit in Japan is using technology to create a virtual Jurassic Park.