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这类器材甚至可能贬低摩尔定律的地位。Such devices may relegate Moore's Law to secondary status.

我们将把这个问题委托组织委员会处理。We shall relegate this problem to the organizing committee.

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如果我们要把艾滋从历史中除去,我们必须勇敢。If we are to relegate Aids to the history books we must be bold.

一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.

一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery.

我们再也不能把阿富汗推到我们首要日程表的底下。We can no longer relegate Afghanistan to the bottom of our priority list.

这种支持的能量不会贬低2到下属地位。This support energy does not by any means relegate 2s to subordinate positions.

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几乎所有的基督教神秘主义作家贬谪这些现象的边缘。Nearly all Christian mystical writers relegate these phenomena to the periphery.

昨天,利物浦2-0战胜了垫底的西布朗,使得该球队注定降级。Liverpool won 2-0 at bottom club Albion yesterday to relegate Tony Mowbray's side.

事实上,甚至可以把字体大小扔到垃圾堆中,转而使用百分比。In fact, you even relegate font sizes to the proverbial dust heap, and use percentages.

如果我们主动放弃了其中的一个,我们也就将另外一个变得无足轻重、不切实际了。If we deprive ourselves of the one, we relegate the other to indecisiveness and irrelevance.

这就是为什么你不能把这一至关重要的任务交给一个部门或者实习生和顾问去做。That is why you shouldn't relegate this vital task to one department or some interns or consultants.

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作出将Mono从产品“降级”为样例地位的决定源于多个因素。The decision to "relegate" Mono from production to sample status has been based on multiple factors.

到2030年,印度也可以采取以贬谪第三位日本第四,商业顾问说。By 2030, India could also take third spot to relegate Japan to fourth, the business consultancy said.

麦睿博深知,要做出如此重大的转变,就意味着不能只把科技的使用局限在IT部门里。McDonald knows that making such dramatic changes means you can't just relegate technology to the IT department.

当这些金属聚合物和生物体脱落时,它们将碳微生物和金属带入污泥中。When these agglomerations of metal and biomass slough they relegate carbon, microbes, and metals to the sediments.

但是,我们不能因为这个行业现有的水平,而直接把电脑游戏一脚踹进流行文化的泥潭里。But we cannot relegate computer games to the cesspit of pop culture solely on the evidence of the current crop of games.

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本文正是通过苏轼贬谪时期词作中的几个意象来探索其贬谪心态。It is through this article relegate Sushi period of a few words for imagery to explore the mentality of their relegation.

因此,即便一个人考虑到了身心障碍人士的最大利益,往往也会将他们放在第二等的位置上。Therefore, even having the best interests of handicapped people in mind, you relegate them into a position of secondary order.

我以重实效、讲原则的方略在处理纷繁的国际事务中,将始终视美国的利益高于一切。My pragmatic and principled approach to addressing complex world issues places the U.S.A. at the top.I will never relegate the U.