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乍得总统代比说,协助来得不够快。Chadian President Idriss Deby says help is not coming soon enough.

当日,杨洁篪还与乍得外长法基举行会谈。Yang also held talks with his Chadian counterpart Moussa Faki Mahamat.

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因为成千上万的乍得移民正在逃离利比亚冲突,而这个小镇是入口。It's the entry point for thousands of Chadian migrants fleeing the conflict in Libya.

汉沽生态型高新技术产业园前身是天津茶淀工业园区。Precursor of Hangu Ecotype High-tech Industrial Park is Tianjin Chadian Industrial Park.

但是流亡中的反政府军发言人恩盖布拉在达喀尔说,那只是一项战术行动。But exiled Chadian rebel spokesman Makaila Nguebla, speaking from Dakar, says it was a tactical move.

皮莱表示,塞内加尔至少必须得到乍得政府作出的公平审判的承诺。Pillay says Senegal, at the very least, must obtain fair trial guarantees from the Chadian government.

1998年长江特大洪水后期,宜都河段茶店岸坡崩岸直接威胁长江大堤安全。The Chadian embankment collapse occurred at Yidu Reach of Changjiang River during the flood period 1998.

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一批11名难民星期天坐飞机离开乍得首都恩贾梅纳,他们将被重新安置在美国。A group of 11 refugees left the Chadian capital N'Djamena by air on Sunday to be resettled in the United States.

2008年,乍得在哈布雷缺席的情况下对他进行审判,并因试图推翻乍得政府的罪名对其判处死刑。In 2008, Chad tried him in absentia and sentenced him to death for planning to overthrow the Chadian government.

在逃难的人群当中也有乍得反对党的一些人士。他们说,他们的家庭遭到攻击。Members of Chadian opposition parties are also among those fleeing, after some say their families were attacked.

世界银行提出与乍得政府就解决这些问题进行具体商谈,世行期待听到乍得政府对其建议的回应。The World Bank has offered to engage in detailed discussions with the Chadian Government to address these issues.

修改法律的原因据说是出于最近乍得政府所受到的财政压力。The proposed modifications reportedly grew out of financial pressures recently experienced by the Chadian government.

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迪尔夫说,这一决定就等于绑架哈布雷,将他作为人质卖给乍得现任总统代比。Diouf says the decision amounts to kidnapping Hissene Habre and taking him hostage to sell to Chadian ruler Idriss Deby.

Gobongue将军将军说,乍得军队在阿尔及利亚接壤处山区彻底摧毁了圣战组织基地。Chadian troops have totally destroyed the main Jihadist base, General Gobongue said, in the mountain's border in Algeria.

哈布雷在塞内加尔的律师哈德杰。迪尔夫说,瓦德总统决定将这位乍得前领导人引渡回国是要摧毁他。Habre lawyer El Hadj Diouf says President Wade's decision to extradite the former Chadian leader is meant to destroy him.

约1800名乍得士兵参与了法国领导的军事行动,行动于上个月在马里境内展开。There are about 1800 Chadian troops participating in the French led military intervention that started last month in Mali.

乍得反政府武装从苏丹领土上发动袭击乍得政府军,并破坏人道主义救援行动。Chadian rebels have used Sudanese territory to launch attacks on Chadian government forces, disrupting humanitarian operations.

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乍得叛军三年来一直企图瓦解总统代比的证券,15个月之前抵达首都。Chadian rebels have been trying to overthrow President Deby for more than three years and briefly reached the capital 15 months ago.

格尔塔是乍得撒哈拉沙漠里一个陡峭的峡谷,骆驼妈妈正在悠闲的饮水,一只年幼的单峰骆驼躲在后面偷看。A young dromedary camel peeks underneath its mother as she casually drinks in the Guelta Arche, a steep canyon in the Chadian Sahara.

格尔塔是乍得撒哈拉沙漠里一个陡峭的峡谷,骆驼妈妈正在悠闲的饮水,一只年幼的单峰骆驼躲在后面偷看。A young dromedary camel peeks underneath its mother as she casually drinks in the Guelta Archeï, a steep canyon in the Chadian Sahara.