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肉状瘤病的病因尚不清楚。The etiology of sarcoidosis is unknown.

肉样瘤病的肉芽肿无干酪化病灶。In sarcoidosis there are noncaseating granulomas.

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目的分析胸部结节病X线表现。Objective To analyze chest sarcoidosis on X-ray film.

“感兴趣的人以上文章”什么是结节病?People interested in the above article What Is Sarcoidosis ?

结果在结节病肉芽肿病变内未发现螺旋体。Results No spirochete was found in the lesions of sarcoidosis.

肝肉芽肿多由肉样瘤病及结核病引起。Hepatic granulomas most commonly due to sarcoidosis and tuberculosis.

肝肉芽肿多由肉样瘤病及结核病引起。Hepatic granulomas most commonly due to sarcoidosis and tuberculosis.

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目的为临床诊断胸内结节病减少误诊误治提供依据。Objective To highlight the diagnosis and treatment of intrathoracic sarcoidosis.

我们回顾了结节病累及中枢神经系统的临床和影像学表现。We review the clinical and imaging findings of central nervous system sarcoidosis.

SACE测定对结节病的预后不能作出判断。The SACE measurement can not be taken as a predictor of the prognosis of sarcoidosis.

目的提高对肺结节病的认识和诊断符合率。Objective To improve the recognition and the diagnostic accuracy of pulmonary sarcoidosis.

目的探讨分支杆菌感染在结节病发病中的可能作用。Objective To investigate the possible role of mycobacterial infection in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis.

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分析结节病的CT表现,以提高对本病的认识和诊断水平。To analyze the CT appearances of thoracic sarcoidosis , and to obtain a higher accurate rate of diagnosis.

另外,LC的胸膜渗出常较结节病和煤尘肺多见。In addition, the presence of pleural effusion would be more in keeping with LC than sarcoidosis or silicosis.

肉状瘤病会影响体内任何器官,但最常见的是影响你的肺、淋巴结、眼睛和皮肤。Sarcoidosis can affect virtually any organ, but most commonly it affects your lungs, lymph nodes, eyes and skin.

斑片样分布的结节一般是结节病,但此例的成簇分布不常见。Aery patchy distribution of nodules is common in sarcoidosis , but the grouping of nodules seen in this case is unusual.

方法回顾性分析有明确病理诊断的23例胸内结节病患者的临床资料。Methods Clinical data of 23 cases with intrathoracic sarcoidosis confirmed pathologically were retrospectively analyzed.

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感染-炎症性病变诱发上矢状窦血栓包括副鼻窦炎、乳突炎、创伤和结节病。Examples of infectious-inflammatory states predisposing to SSS thrombosis are sinusitis, mastoiditis, trauma, and sarcoidosis.

目的分析早期结节病误诊的原因,探讨避免误诊的方法。Objective To analyze the cause of misdiagnosis of early sarcoidosis and method of avoiding misdiagnosis of sarcoidosis in hospital.

结节状的增厚常见于韦格氏肉芽肿和癌性淋巴管炎。Nodular thickening of the peribronchoascular interstitium is particularly common in sarcoidosis and lymphangitic spread of carcinoma.