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治疗HIV相关的机会感染Treatment of HIV-related opportunistic infections

预防HIV相关机会感染Prevention of HIV-related opportunistic infections

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善于投机的帝国军阀再度崛起。Once again, opportunistic Imperial warlords pounced.

小猎犬狗天生是一位机会主义进食者。Beagles are genetically wired to be opportunistic eaters.

在此之后,我们很有幸地。But as time is going along, we were also kind of opportunistic.

那么,所谓的80后等粗疏概念是虚饰性的,乃至文化机会主义式的。So the 80s'conception is the feint and the cultural opportunistic.

这向投资者显示出李先生的勇敢果断和善用机会。It reminded investors just how bold and opportunistic Mr Li can be.

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而现代这些畅销书则不然,更糟的是,他们看起来是那么的俗气,仅仅是用心理学词汇填充的机会主义而已。Worse, they can seem tacky, opportunistic and filled with psychobabble.

中国存在关于抓住机会进行海外收购是否明智的争论吗?Is there debate in China over the wisdom of opportunistic overseas acquisitions?

沙马先生曾是他信先生死敌,但这位投机主义者此后却成了后者的代理。Mr Samak, once Mr Thaksin’s sworn enemy, was now an opportunistic proxy for him.

在折腾了半天后,一只机会主义的土狼抓住了猎获物,并快速地溜走了。And after all that trouble, an opportunistic hyena grabs the kill, and scoots off.

因HIV侵袭免疫系统,AIDS病人最终多因机会性感染而死亡。HIV invades immune system, so AIDS patients almost died of opportunistic infection.

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CMV感染常合并其它条件性病原体或卡波西肉瘤。CMV infection often coexists with other opportunistic pathogens and Kaposi's sarcoma.

这加强了很多人认为的这些暴徒的行为是机会主义犯罪的说法。That underscored what many have described as the opportunistic criminality of the riots.

结核病是发展中国家最常见的HIV相关感染疾病。Tuberculosis is the leading HIV-associated opportunistic disease in developing countries.

KSHV是一种条件性致病病毒,它很少影响免疫系统正常的个体。KSHV is an opportunistic pathogen that rarely affects individuals with normal immune systems.

由于它是一种免疫抑药物,使用户很容易感染上机会性感染。Because it is an immunosuppressant, it can make users susceptible to opportunistic infections.

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不要存在机会主义想法,也不要被金钱诱入歧途而最终迷失了你自己的方向。Do not be opportunistic and get sidetracked by more money only to lose your true sense direction.

但是对罗姆尼最致命的要算他在堕胎和同性婚姻问题上的机会主义骑墙立场。But what is really damaging him is his opportunistic flip-flopping over abortion and gay marriage.

创伤弧菌为栖息于海水环境中的革蘭氏阴性细菌,为人類的伺机性致病菌。Vibrio vulnificus, a gram-negative halophilic marine bacterium, is an opportunistic human pathogen.