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为什么爱在我这里变成一场灾难的劫数。Why do I love this into a disaster unscathed.

富人近乎毫发无伤地摆脱了衰退。The rich have escaped the recession almost unscathed.

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他安然无恙地从事故现场走开了。He walked away from the accident completely unscathed.

不过,并非所有的中国汽车企业都会毫发无损。But not all Chinese car companies would escape unscathed.

而他,可以在劫数外,也可以在劫数内。But he, can be in unscathed outside, also can in unscathed.

呵呵,当然,到后来,他安然无事地活了好几年。Oh, of course, later, he unscathed to live for several years.

多亏了先进的车辆装甲,他们看起来并无大碍。Thanks to the vehicle’s advanced armor, all of them seemed unscathed.

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这名大难不死的男孩儿随后同他的爸爸离开了商场。The boy, who was unscathed by his ordeal, left the mall with his father.

像巴西、印度和中国一样的国家都毫发无损的危急中摆脱出来。Countries like Brazil, India, and China came out of the recession largely unscathed.

她的病情预断很乐观,她的女儿基本上没有受到伤害地度过了这段日子。Her prognosis is good and her daughter seems to have come through largely unscathed.

那么需要多少资金银行体系才能在经济危急中全身而退呢?So how much capital would the system have needed to have survived the crisis unscathed ?

我暗自庆幸,能够躲过电视播音员的华丽说词安安静静地度过哥伦比亚日。I smiled to think that I had quietly spent the day unscathed by the heroics of newscasters.

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一如所料,民联候选人大获全胜。Mahathir. Pakatan Rakyat candidates, as expected, emerged triumphant and completely unscathed.

一战时期,白金汉宫,也就是后来乔治五世国王和玛丽皇后的家毫发未伤。During World War I the palace, then the home of King George V and Queen Mary, escaped unscathed.

你身陷险境,但每次都能毫发未伤的逃脱,你的脸和从前一样年轻,一样无忧无虑。You get close and come out unscathed every time, your face as youthful and as untroubled as before.

唐龙遭遇众多黑手党之时,以一人之力对抗世界,却毫发未伤。It’s one man against the world, as Tang goes up against numerous Mafia enemies – and emerges unscathed.

然而,温格不确定这位32岁的球员能继续在比赛中毫无伤病。However, Wenger has not always been certain that the 32-year-old would make it through the game unscathed.

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当然,在一个相互关联的体系中,如果小银行陷入困境,大银行也难以全身而退。Granted, in an interlinked system, if small banks run into trouble the bigger banks won't escape unscathed.

在实验室里,一块覆盖了6毫米厚气凝胶的金属板在经受了烈性炸药爆炸的考验后安然无恙。In the laboratory, a metal plate coated in 6mm of aerogel was left almost unscathed by a direct dynamite blast.

此时的新加坡刚从波及全亚洲的经济危机中走出来,市场又恢复了往日的繁荣。Singapore had just emerged relatively unscathed from the Asian economic crisis and the market was booming again.