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共析反应。Eutectoid reaction.

延迟你的反应。Delay your reaction.

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这个反应速率。The rate of reaction.

什么是核反应?What Is a Nuclear Reaction?

这是一个放热反应。It's an exothermic reaction.

梁的反应是合情理的。Leung's reaction made sense.

看看上了当的爱波伦丝太太的反应。Here's Mrs. Abrams' reaction.

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人们的第一反应都是“哇!The first reaction was "Ooh!"

惩戒是轻易就可以付诸实践的事情。Punishment is an easy reaction.

嘲弄是经典的反应。Derision was the typical reaction.

他的反应出乎预料。His reaction was quite unexpected.

那个小危险期的反应。The reaction of the little crisis.

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反应加热到接近沸腾。The reaction heats to near boiling.

让我们任意考虑一种反应。So let's just consider any reaction.

齐塔人能否对这个反应详细描述?Can the Zetas expand on the reaction?

我一开始的反应是‘好吧,你就扯吧’。My initial reaction was 'Aye, right'.

首先是对行为主义的异议。First it is a reaction to behaviorism.

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与酸发生强放热反应。Strong exothermic reaction with acids.

原始生殖细胞的PAS反应呈阳性。The PAS reaction was of pGcs positive.

这一次又做了更轻松的回应。This one drew a more relaxed reaction.