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我陪你回家。I'll accompany you home.

愿我伴你细水长流。May I accompany you long.

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明月伴君情徜徉。The moon accompany feeling.

请陪我散步。Please accompany me on my walk.

请和我就伴一起散散步。Please accompany me on my walk.

要我陪您吗,先生,?Shall I accompany you, monsieur?

勇敢又勤恳,定能交好运。Dare and activity accompany luck.

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我们陪您去酒店。We'll accompany you to the hotel.

教程包含实例档案。Example files accompany the course.

请陪我一起去看海。Please accompany me to see the sea.

我陪你走到最后。Finally you come to me to accompany.

我可以陪你到下一站。I can accompany you to the next stop.

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你肯屈尊陪我吗?。Would you condescend to accompany me?

您希望陪您聊天的对象是谁?You want to accompany you to chat to?

陪你到世界的尽头。Accompany you to the end of the world.

我编织着一个有你的世界。I weaved a world, with your accompany.

她会陪你去机场。She will accompany you to the airport.

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希望有人陪我分担。Want someone to accompany me to share.

谁将陪你去机场?Who will accompany you to the airport?

所有订单均须附汇款。A remittance must accompany all orders.