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国会是一个两院制的立法机关。Congress is a bicameral legislature.

他被选举为国家立法机关的委员。He was elected to the state legislature.

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立法会通过人民调解法。Legislature passes People's Mediation Law.

立法院将于一月召集会议。The new legislature will assemble in January.

立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act.

约翰在对一些立法委员们进行游说。John is lobbying some members of the legislature.

也门是采用两院制立法机构的共和国。Yemen is a republic with a bicameral legislature.

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其他每个人都受立法机关管辖着。Everybody else is now governed by this legislature.

立法机关通过了一项废除附加税的法令。The legislature passed a law to abolish the surtax.

徒具形式的立法机构不被咨询。The rubber-stamp legislature has not been consulted.

他们使这项措施在立法机关草率通过。They railroaded the measure through the legislature.

议会为一院制,由225名议员组成。The Parliament is a unicameral 225-member legislature.

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立法机关拨款作为大学经费。The legislature appropriated funds for the university.

立法机关提议休止目前的会议。The legislature moved to prorogue the present session.

大会将担当伊拉克的全国立法机关。The Assembly will serve as Iraq"s national legislature.

在州议会散会之后,我立即否决了这个法案。As soon as the legislature went home, I vetoed the bill.

立法中体现的精神分裂也反映了人们想要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃草。The schizophrenia in the legislature reflects the peoples'.

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该预算提案必须经州立法机关同意。The budget proposal must be agreed by the state legislature.

两项法案已经顺利经州立法机关通过。Both bills passed the state Legislature by comfortable margins.

国家由选举产生的国家首脑和立法机关进行治理。Country is governed by an elected head of state and legislature.