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衰老过程是人类生命周期中被忽视的继儿。Old age is a neglected stepchild of the human life cycle. The.

几年前,他的海军还是“政府的又丑又小的继子。”Few years ago his Navy was "the ugly little stepchild of the Government."

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最初,在线组织只是奥巴马的新媒体计划中的一个“养子”。At first, online organizing was a stepchild within Obama's new-media operation.

多年以来商业局一直不受市政府的重视。The commerce Department has for many years been a stepchild of the city government.

情报部在我们参谋系统中不受重视的地位到处表现无遗。The stepchild position of g-2 in our general staff system was emphasized in many ways.

易信达虽然是这三者中规模最小的,但是其潜力确实是不可小觑的。Egencia is the poor stepchild among the three, but indeed there is a huge potential up-side.

她是那种她们家族焦点级别的从未受到公平待遇的继女。She's kind-of the redheaded stepchild of this family since she never really got a fair shake.

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现在继子已经成为宠儿,德国人乐呵阿的看着他,觉得他又漂亮,又有出息。Today the stepchild is a favorite, Germans can look on its face and find it shining and full of promise.

尽管功能测试很重要,但它却没有受到足够的重视。Even though functional testing is so important, it has a reputation as the ugly stepchild of development.

自由意志论者,与Rand的思想关联最多的这一运动,它的嫡传拥戴者还不如叛逆出去的旁系分支多。Libertarianism, the movement most closely connected to Rand's ideas, is less an offspring than a rebel stepchild.

他们是纽约摩天大楼的丑陋的非亲生子女,似乎永远被拒在此城市的生活和传说之外。They were the ugly stepchild of New York's skyscrapers, seemingly destined to be forever denied a place in the life and lore of the city.

他们是纽约摩天大楼的丑陋的非亲生子女,似乎永远被拒在此城市的生活和传说之外。They were the ugly stepchild of New York’s skyscrapers, seemingly destined to be forever denied a place in the life and lore of the city.

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“按照普通合伙人和有限合伙人的说法,与信息技术相比,生命科学只不过是风投资本的继子,而且相貌丑陋,”布斯说。"There is a widely-held perception among both GPs and LPs that life sciences is venture capital's ugly stepchild compared to tech, " says Booth.

管理部门,据大家所说,象一个不需要的继子女一样对待紧急事件管理代理,导致有经验的专业人士的群众退出。The administration has, by all accounts, treated the emergency management agency like an unwanted stepchild , leading to a mass exodus of experienced professionals.

这个项目还涉及到移动网络,移动网这个互联网的养子一直饱受争议,几年来,人们一直在说“明年将是移动网之年”。This initiative also extends to the mobile web, the unloved stepchild of the Internet that has suffered the bitter rebuke, "Perhaps next year will be the year for mobile," for many years running.