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铁树很少开花。Sago cycas seldom blossoms.

大量供应出口苏铁种子。Sell Cycas revoluta seeds for exportation.

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铁树开花与苏铁之利用。Title The utilization of Cycas and its bloom.

曲纹紫灰蝶是苏铁上一种新害虫。Chilades pandava is a new kind of insect harmful to sago cycas.

本文系苏铁白化苗研究系列报道之二。This paper is the second part of a serial reports on albino seedling of cycas revoluta.

研究了尖尾苏铁根系的形态及解剖结构。The present essay discusses on morphology and anatomical structure of root system of Cycas acuminatissima.

本文研究了小黑江流域潭清苏铁的生态环境、种群结构与动态。This paper deals with the habitat, population structure and dynamics of Cycas tanqingii occurring in Xiaohei River area.

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对小黑江流域潭清苏铁的生境、种群结构与动态进行了研究。This paper deals with the habitat, population structure and dynamics of Cycas tanqingii occurring in Xiaoheijiang river area.

由于叉叶苏铁分布范围小,数量少,是我国公布的二类保护植物。Because the limited range and the quantity of Cycas micholitzii which is involved in the second class of the Protected Plants in China.

苏铁珊瑚状根中蓝藻营养细胞的超微结构具一般蓝藻细胞的特征。The ultrastructure of vegetative cells of blue-green alga, Anabaena cycadae, in the coralloid root of Cycas revoluta has the general characteristics of the cyanophycean cells.

苏铁属植物的须根均庞大成肉质根,其皮层由多达80层大型的、含有大量淀粉和单宁物质的薄壁细胞组成。All of the fibrous roots of Cycas tend to develop into fleshy roots, whose cortex consists of 80 layers of biggish parenchyma cells that contain abundant starch grain and tannin.

从保护的全面性来看,大熊猫、扬子鳄和亚洲象的保护现状较好,而兰科和苏铁类的保护现状较差。In view of protected entireness, the protection status of Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Alligator sinensis and Elephas maximus is better, but the one of Orchidaceae and Cycas is worse.